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AOL: hotice5000 or idontlikedafishy
ICQ#: 44020369

Hi people! This site may be pretty lame because it is the first second time
I've actually tried to make a website, so don't make fun of it!!! If you do, something bad will happen to your mouse cursor!
Hey...I need some more if u send them to me I will update my website


Other stuff:

More to come!

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My Favorite Links

Yeah...these are my favorite places to go on the internet... (no comment, ROB)

  • Hotmail - a place where you can get email...half of you already have it so it wouldn't really matter anyways.
  • - a place to go when you are bored.
  • Play games - it's alright... not too fun but still...
  • Nike Basketball - Download some of the most awesome basketball moves I've ever seen on the commercial
  • Samantha Miller's website - Home of the Purple Chairs.
  • Frazier's website - The big pimp's website(I'm taking some of ur girls man).
  • Rob Oandasan's website - this would be G's NEW website... hahhaha just kidding Rob.


Uh..Oh! You were thinking bad thoughts about my site weren't you?
That's why the Alien spaceships are out. Now you are gonna get it!











Had enough? Cross your fingers and say "Aliens are cool" 3 times (real quickly),
promise not to make fun of this site again and click on the check box below. Hahhaha!