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Animated Dolls~*~Animated Images

*Animated Dolls* Hey There! This is my very first try at making a homepage, so you just gotta be a little patient with me while i set it up and get it running. My hopes are to make and post many animated dolls and images for people to use and to look at. I still haven't figured out exactly how to make the dolls but i am hoping to make some original ones. If by any chance you know how to make webpages or post images up I would be grateful if you e-mailed me with some tips. Also if you have any images you would like posted up just e-mail me and let me know and I'll do what I can for ya. Thank you for taking time read this message and don't forget to e-mail me! ***Erika*** p.s > i'd also like to thank the owner of the angelfire homepage because without that web site i would never have had this idea! Thanx a bunch!

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Click to E-Mail me!! ***Erika***