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SMS readies for the New Year
Are you ready for a great year?

We are!


Mr. John Mayne helps to make SMS a brighter place to learn with the help of the Selbyville  Fire Company and  fire fighter, Steve Hudson.


Assistant Principal, Mr. Herman Riggin, shines with enthusiasm as he prepares to start a new year as a member of the SMS team.


Secretary,  Ms. Donna Willey, makes sure all classes get the supplies they need to start the school year on the right foot. 


Custodian, Mr. Larry Spece, adds the final touches which make SMS a school in which students are proud to learn. 


New teachers come early to make sure they know how best to address the needs of SMS students.


Guidance counselor, Ms. Myra Bare, adds final touches to student schedules to assure they the greatest chance to succeed. 
New cafeteria tables await the opportunity to hold the nourishing breakfasts and lunches. 


Secretary,  Ms. Connie Pryor, sees to it that the office runs smoothly and visitors know where to go. 


Mr. Eyres, our peer mediation counselor,  and Mr. Forte work together  to  put the final touches on this special  program.


Mr. Spece strives to reach new heights in order to make our ceilings shine. 
                                     Best of success
in school year 
Secretary, Mrs. Diana Goldsborough, makes sure new students know all they need to know to start the year on the right foot.