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Last Update: 10/01/99 by Doug

We are going to have a chat tonight, October 1st to discuss some issues regarding the engine.
Get it HERE ...but you may want to hold off for a day or so and get the newest one (or goto the meeting tonight)

To join our IRC chats: Go to and download the mIRC client software (About 1Mb)

Install and connect to your ISP

Run the software and connect to an EFNet server.

join channel #dement .... hope to see you there at 10:30!

Go to THE NOTES PAGE to read the notes of our previous chats.

List of things to do:

Hello everyone, and welcome to the home page for this DEM Enterprises project.

We are designing a Real Time Strategy Game (like C&C or Starcraft or AoE, etc) for the PC.

We are using Visual Basic 5/6 as our development langage. We are also using DirectX for graphics. Those who know VB but not directX: Don't worry. It is really simple.

In order to complete this little project, we are going to need several things....
UNIT/BUILDING DESIGNERS: Anybody can submit any unit. We will need to have all the info when submitted.
If you would like to help design units, download the installation program HERE. Just download to a temp directory and unzip. Run the setup.exe. There are further instruction included with the program.
Feel free to distribute. Send comments to Hopefully I'll find someone who will update it. If you want the source code download THIS.
Scott has graciously updated the editor: If you have already downloaded the editor, just get THIS NEW EXECUTABLE and delete the old to make room for this. If you have not already downloaded the old version, and still want the source code, you need to download both. If you don't want the source code, just download the new executable. Thanx.

We also have a game engine that we took from a different project that will be modified for our project (It was another DEM Ent project from a while ago.) . We shoud be able to use it. It has a lot of the code we would need already. I'm hoping we can just expand off of it, but since some people will want to learn how to go through the entire design process maybe we will start over......Get the ENGINE HERE

Okay. We need to start getting a list of things to do. Everyone involved should put thier brains in thinking mode and come up with as complete a list of the things that will need to be done for this project to be complete. Try to be as detailed as possible and do it on your own. Using the password and login I gave you for this page (if you expressed interest) save your list as an html file. (name it dougslist.html or something similat) Once we get enough lists, we can compare and begin to give people specific tasks. Remeber to always be on the lookout for anyone who can help in any concievable way. We'll eventually need artists, programmers, story people, unit editors, etc.

View Nick's List of things to do.