Make Your Own Polls Quiz your visitors, and let them see the results instantly! Polls are a great way to get quick feedback from visitors to your site. Example: Who's tougher? Superman The Hulk Before putting the poll code into your HTML, you need to do a few things: 1. Create two subdirectories in your Angelfire directory. Name them: pollcontent (you'll put the question files in here) pollstats (the data files will be stored here) 2. Create a question-and-answers text file for each poll you want to create. You can use a text editor (such as Notepad) on your desktop, or our Advanced Editor. . (This file will go in the "pollcontent" directory.) The file should be formatted like this: QUESTION GOES HERE ANSWER 1 ANSWER 2 ANSWER 3 ANSWER 4 Example: What is your favorite kind of sandwich? Tunafish Peanut Butter and Jelly Sardines and Mustard Other You can put as many answers as you want. (Anything with a hard return at the end of it will be counted as a separate item.) 3. When you have the question and answer file, put it in the "pollcontent" subdirectory that you created in step 1, Give it a name that has to do with the topic of the poll, such as "sandwich.txt". 4. Now you need a page of html to put the poll into. You can either put it in an existing page, or put it in a new page. To put it in a new page, it's easiest to create a new page in the Angelfire Web Shell, using the Advanced Editor. If you have to use the Basic Editor you will only be able to put the form in the "Text Block" area of a Basic page. 5. Now copy the HTML snippet from the text box below into your page. Edit the snippet so that you put the name of your poll where it currently says "current_poll=pollname". In our example you would change it to say current_poll=sandwich" - BE SURE to leave off the .txt part from the "question file" name. (So "current_poll=sandwich.txt" would be incorrect.) 6. Now test your poll! The poll uses a cookie to prevent people from answering it over and over. The data will be automatically stored in your "pollstats" file - you can open the files in that directory to see what is in them, but do not edit them - you may break your poll. If the poll does not seem to work, check to make sure that you have correctly named your two subdirectories from Step 1, and that their names match the names in the code snippet.