Diana's Home Page

Hi everyone, I'm Diana. 19 from Shelton CT. i am a Sophmore at SCSU!! I live up at Brownell Hall w/ Kim,and Jess. i am an Early childhood education, and psychology Major. so i have a double major goin on there. in my free time i like to watch movie with my friends, and just have fun. So much has changed so fast so i'm just sitting back taking it all in for now These are a few of my favorite quotes. ~No man is worth your tears, and the only one that is would never make u cry. ~East to the sea, West to the land, death to the Bytch that touches my man. ~Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. ~I wrote your name in the sand and it blew away, I wrote your name in the sea and it washed away, i wrote your name in my heart and forever it will stay. ~If u need a nickel i'll give u a dime, if u need a man Bytch don't f**k with mine!. ~Many waters can not quench love: rivers cannot wash it away. These are my Senior pictures. Friends Pictures Friends Picture page2 New York Trip SWIRL 2002! Prom Pictures GRADUATION Pictures **NEW** College Life SECOND SEMESTER College Memories **UNDER CONSTRUCTION** Memories Memories 2.

Email: Munckin7284@cs.com