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Welcome to the garden of Lilith

UPDATE Jan 5, 2005
The new domain is ready for visitors. Just click the below image. Make sure to bookmark the new pages since this Angelfire version is only going to be up til the end of this month.

Join me in the garden to learn the ways of our mother, Lilith. Within the pain of your life comes great wisdom and draws you closer to her. Learn what I, Araishna, have to teach and give you.



Tremble, 0 you childer of Caine
Tremble, 0 you children of Seth
Mother is coming
Mother is here.
With her lessons of madness
And hands full of blood
She comes to make the world anew
And her chariot is pain and horror
The crystal is broken, the demons are free.
The crystal is broken, the demons are free.
The waters rise.
The waters rise.

Weep, 0 you children of immortals
For your unlives shall be as the shells broken
By the lightning of each new world.
All this shall pass away.
Weep, 0 you Pharisees and priests,
For your god is a lie and his promises are empty rags.
All this shall pass away.
Weep, 0 you grain-fed maggots
Squirming in the basket of bread,
For your bellies are splitting with the feast
And a storm of flies is coming.
All this shall pass away.
Weep, 0 you sullen nightmares,
For the dancing gods of flickering screens shall lead you to oblivion.
Mother is coming
Mother is here.
All this shall pass away.
The crystal is broken, the demons are free.
The crystal is broken, the demons are free.
The waters rise.
The waters rise.

Seethe colossus of steel astride the world
Behold the worms in his feet.
As the giant totters, the worms rejoice,
For there will be food aplenty when the giant falls.
See the broken chamber 500 years
And the shattered crystal upon the floor.
See the stones weeping and the dragons free.
Lilith is here.
Lilith is free.
Hear the howls in the night
As the wolves of Adam
Cast themselves into the Dragon's coils
Smell the brother's blood from time's beginning
Now tepid and thin as water
In water will the light die!
In water will the fire die!
From the East, from the Sea will vengeance come
And from those whose blood is water!
The cities of the West will blaze with rage,
And a great wheel from the East,
From the formless lands,
Will crush them!
On the last night
When the moon is a sliver of darkness
Comes the final embrace!
Shine black the sun!
Shine black the moon!
The waters rise!
Ahi hay Lilitu!


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This page is an entirely unofficial use of the Vampire: The Masquerade and A World of Darkness gaming materials published by White Wolf Game Studios and not intended as an official or profit making venture in any way, shape or form. Although the use of these concepts, rules, etc., is unauthorized, no infringement is intended. This page is not affiliated with White Wolf Games Studios in any way and should not be viewed as such. This page are freely available for viewing and personal use, but are, under no circumstances whatsoever, to be sold for profit.

The BIG dudes...the ones who own V:TM...the ones I want to hire me...oh yeahhhhh...
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