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Welcome to Erin Country

This page is all about me! It is a way for me to keep in touch with people I don't see very often, friends who are in other countries, and anyone else who decides to look at my page. I love pictues and have tons of them! It was very hard to choose which pictures to put on my page. I guess you could call this my online photo album! I hope you enjoy seeing a little bit of my life! HAVE FUN and have a GREAT day!

A picture of a cow! How cute! I love cows, so I
decided to include this picture.Good thing it's not
cold outside, or else his tongue might stick!

Moo to You!

This is me with my mom and my dog, Lady. Lady is a
German Shorthair Pointer. She is sure much bigger now
than she is in the picture! Mom, thanks for
everything you do for me. I love you!

We're Connected!

This is me and my Dad. This picture was taken at the 1998
Mississippi Valley Fair near my home in Davenport, IA.
I got to feed a full grown Siberian Tiger. Neat huh?
Thanks for all the computer help Dad. I love you!

Good thing the tiger didn't bite!

This is my brother brad. Our birthdays are 2 years and one week apart.
We just had our birthdays in September, so he is now 21 and I'm 23. He played on
the high school football team for awhile. Doesn't he look nice in that uniform?
I love you Brad, email me when you get a chance, ok?!

Go Wildcats!

My Page Two

Let's Go!

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