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Animal Crackers

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Do you contribute to the death and torture of billions of animals every year? If you don’t give a damn about animals then please leave. This page is designed to educate people about the food, clothes, entertainment, and education that kills hundreds of animals every second. We can’t stop all animal suffering, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t stop any. Since animals have no voice in society and do not make ANY legislative choices, they are often mistreated, abused, ignored, and killed. If you have any desire to help these innocent beings...these beings that we share the earth with....these beings that make no protest themselves against the torture they on. Animal rights and human rights are interconnected. By making this world a better place for all of God’s beings, we will finally live in a peaceful atmosphere. Not in my lifetime....but let’s do all we can while we can, because animals will never develop the ability to protest. They are the silent victims. And day after day countless humans make choices that can either hurt or save them. The animal rights movement is stronger than ever, and it starts with you.
How have you helped animals?
Adopting a pet from the Humane Society
Avoiding leather/fur
Become a vegetarian
Buying products not tested on animals
Given money to an animal group
Going to only circuses without animals
Refused to do something that could harm animals
Written a letter of protest
You have done more than one of the above
You haven't done any of the above
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