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Heather Unhinged

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Well, here it site. It has just about everything you would ever want to know about me. Not really, since this site is currently under major deconstruction. If there is anything you want to know or see that isn't up just let me know. Ask and you shall receive, just remember you may not like what you hear. Be careful what you wish just might get it!! *********NEWS FLASH FROM THE HOME FRONT********************* Heather's life has taken a drastic change for the better recently. SHe has found someone who can put up with all her quirks and stubbornness. Yep, if you haven't guessed it she has gone and gotten herself engaged! I can't believe it!!! Well, neither could she, at first, but it's true! Heather and her fiance, Nathan, plan to wed in the fall of this year. More information to come as we recieve it. This is Heather Unhinged signing off..........................

What I do when I have free time....

Other pages I put together....

My Schedule (UPDATED January 12, 2001)
Interesting Sites on the Web
My Old Website
Wrestling Page (UPDATED September 24, 2000)
Poetry Main Page
Picture Page
