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Dan's Home Page

Ultrasound of Tyler Robert at 24 weeks
Ultrasound of Tyler Robert at 24 weeks

  Ultrasound of Oliva Patricia at 23 weeks
Ultrasound of Olivia Patricia at 23 weeks

  The ebola virus



Eureka Bassham Family Website



North Coast Weather (Humboldt and surrounding counties)
North Coast Weather is the place for weather watching, bar none. For today's weather forecast here in beautiful Eureka, Ca go here: Weather-Eureka, CA

Musician's Friend
This site is a must for any kind of guitarist. Also, start a free webmail account.

Dragon Fly  
Great White Shark

Garfield Strip 04/26/04

Marine Zones
I like this site because it has some very nice visuals of the zonation schemes that are used to describe the rocky intertidal. Take a look and see if there is anything that interests you and email me back with any questions or comments you might have.

Red Moon - Lunar Eclipse

Sea Journals
This, to me, was a useful site because of the access to the research journals available in the fields that I am interested in. Mainly, Marine Biology, Oceanography, and Fish Biology.

Red Moon - Lunar Eclipse


<<< Recent quakes >>>New
This is where I check recent seismic activity. Check it out here.

<<< New Research on White Shark >>>New
I found this paper from U. Davis and Bodega Bay. Check it out here.

HSU Homepage

Dan's Senior Thesis
Come here to take a look at my senior research project that I accomplished at HSU for my double BS degree in Biology,marine/ Zoology with a marine fisheries minor.

B&B By The Sea
Take a look and tell me what you think.

Contact Information

Email address

Comments and Suggestions

Please send me mail telling me what you think about this page and how I might improve it.

Last revised: 29 Aug 2004.