The Revolution Will Not Be Televised


“To know oneself is to study oneself in action with another person.”

–Bruce Lee, from ‘Tao of Jeet Kune Do’




Confused much are ya?  Probably at no other time in your life will you have so many questions and so few answers as you will in college.  So it's important to have a bunch of people who you can relate to as you try to sort out all the wildness.


My solution was to found the NLF.


What is the NLF you ask?  Well I'm glad you did. The Delaware chapter of the NLF is a group comprised of a bunch of educated brothas who's mission is to empower the individual and collective qualities in all of us, tackle the big questions, get results and have a blazin time in the process. 


















One of the best things about the NLF is that it's completely informal and unorganized.  Anyone can really be a member as long as you come in with an open mind and something to contribute.  Some of our many activities include:



watching badass movies and anime

critiquing lifestyles

philosophizing on morality and shadyness

getting an edumacation

planning for the future

creating video documentaries

commenting on dining hall food for the campus paper

playing Playstation and Dreamcast

breaking down traditional black stereotypes

[product endorsement]


dodging roommates

generating random logic


vehicular exploits

inspiring deep thought in others

striking back against the corruptive forces of the university

Ya get?

