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Sverige Translation courtesy of Dr Frank N Stein

This is the official Aspies@Earth homepage, if the thought of looking for aliens scares you rigid, leave now!

SETI@home is a scientific experiment that uses Internet-connected computers in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI)Aspies@Earth is a small bunch of aspies and autistics who are participating in the SETI@home project. The SETI@Home project uses millions of internet connected PCs to analyse data collected from the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto rico. In order to pick up very weak signals (if a signal is sent several light years, it will be very weak by the time it reaches us) a big radio telescope and a huge amount of processing power is needed. It is the largest computation ever done with approximately ten times the processing power of the worlds most powerful supercomputer. The combination of the Arecibo telescope and the vast number of computers used enables SETI@Home to potentially detect a signal 10 times weaker than is possible by more conventional means. I'm not expecting this SETI@Home experiment to pick up a signal, future SETI@Home experiments will no doubt be able to detect even weaker signals, maybe over a wider range of frequencies, but if you don't look, you won't find anything... Enough of the waffle, some pictures.


Yes, this 1000 foot beauty does have better much reception than your TV antennae


Screenshot of a SETI@Home screensaver at work, it has detected a possible alien signal. The hardcore among us don't run the screensaver version, there are faster non graphical versions, but they are no fun to watch.
Hopefully you now have now been seduced by the darkside and want to join us... Go get your SETI@home client program from: SETI@Home download page
If you're an aspie or are autistic in some way, please join our group. Once you have installed your SETI@Home client, go to our group page, click join, ask it to send you your password, and join us! Aspies@Earth
SETI@Home home page.

Members pics section is growing fast, we now have Dr Frank N Stein, Mouse, Gareeth and alien5097q aka oo7 and one of gandalf's cats Dr Frank N Stein Mouse Gareeth oo7 gandalf