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The Opposers Homepage... never follow

~Oct. 4, 1999~
Well... school sux... but that's ok... i added a new page... it's a like thingie... i dunno... u know how math class kinda eats away ur brain cells... so u go see it and help me retain the little bit of a mind i have left!!!
~Oct. 1, 1999~
Well... i just want every1 to know that i'm still keeping the site up... but i really dont have much to say seeing that i have to participation with the site... i'd i put these things up and you choose not to use em... hey not my problem... i need you to make MY site better... thanx... oh yeah... i'm working on a cople of more stuf... including some pics of my own!!! Oh yeah... i want every1 to know that i think that Xena rox it's gabby... with a stick!!!
Plethora... plethora... plethora... plethora... plethora... dont ya just love that word... and u know what... if Alli sings "I want it that way" one more time at basketball practice... i swear... i'll either wring her neck or go anti-bsb or something drastic!!!

And... i changed my passward so that some1 who will remain nameless to protect the guilty got in and wrote a massage... and no i dont care if i told ya the password or that ur my sidekick..... this is my site and i will not permit un-authorized messages... i'm trying to negatively influence children here...jk...... hehehe

PS... my name will either be Opposer1 or OpposerLowana... so dont even bother... if ya dont see one of those names it's not me... and all u ppl who'll try to impersonate me... there are obvious subtleties that will give ya away... oh yeah... Alli... ur names are Opposer2 and OpposerAlli
I got a new bravenet thingie.... this one's for anonomous oppinion leaving

come vote... have a good time!!!
~Mon. Sept. 4, 1999~
I decided that hotdogz -shudderz- are so yucky that they deserve to be anti-ed so... DOWN WITH THE DOGZ!!!!!!!!!
~Sat. Sept. 2, 1999 (again)~
Well, i have found a new sidekick... BSB Lover aka Alli congratulations... you are now my sidekick... this'll be weird for me cause i'm used to making my page without outside influence... bear with me!!! Without further ado..... BSB Lover... anything to say???
BSB and N'sync rule!!!!!!! Strangers suck and so does Star Wars!!!!!
I never DID get ur taste in music or movies... u WANT to see Blair Witch..... i know i did but once i saw it i hated it..... don't waste ur money... u wanna be an opposer???
Alli... ALLI... rrrrrrgh... she left me!!!
~Sat. Sept. 4, 1999~
HAHA CADDEN...... i made an Opposers page.... all of u out there.... Oppose..... or be molded to conform
~Wed. Sept. 1, 1999~
OK... CAFFINE WOMAN TRIED TO HELP ME WITH MY ALGEBRA HOMEWORK AND HER HEAD BLEW UP...TOO BAD... I AM going anti-algebra... and if u ppl dont like it tough. I hope all of u like my lovely anti-algebra poem... i made it up while i was typing so if it sux... dont freak!!!
well... i gtg do my STUPID homework... bye
~Tues. Aug. 24, 1999~
GOD ALGEBRA'S HARD... i like haven't had any time to update untill now!!!
ok... i have removed most of the scrolling text because a lot of people dont like it and i have a hard time waiting for it myself... my new personal color is black
Because of a certain person complaining about me putting my fav color on the webpage I have made it the only background color... thanx Alliya... U have to understand my whole point in life is to annoy people!!!
Because of my busy school begining schedule there might not even be an update a week..... i'll try but i dont think i will be able to keep up
If u haven't noticed... i added a music page...check it out
~Sat. Aug. 21, 1999~
I'm going to school starting the day after my 1/2 birthday... so i go to school Mon..... so i wont be able to update as much..... u know how litle time u have afterschool in 8th grade... but the page WILL STAY UP!!! I will have at least 1 update a week... but i dunno how well that'll go when i get into sports and stuff......
-Falls asleep-
YES...she finally went into a mega-sleep... only superhero's can enter it....she wont wake up for a month....YEAH!!!!! Oh yeah... i forgot to mention..... i added a hatemail page because i got a hatemail... and i moved the linx to the wellknown's and stranger's pages to a seperate page... i figured that it might confuse someone
~Thurs. Aug. 19, 1999~
ok.....I'm gonna copy one of the Stranger's ideas.... if u happen to be visit or number 150 then i'll make any page u want for or against anything.... cept i will not make any gross pages, non-enternainment related pages, pages for n'sync, or for the Blair Witch Project...infact...i might decide to go against the Blair Witch Project.....hmmmm... the movie DID suck!!!
Hey...that wasn't my idea to copy the stranger's ideas...but since we gonna anyway... if u send us letters, fan or not fan, we'll rank em and put em up... unless it like too cussy or disgusting...then we'll bleep it out a bit... sorry... Lowana's Mom sometimes comes here.....
Bye 4 Now...cya
~Sat. Aug. 14 , 1999~
OK...i kant read a calander.... and i kant spell..... yesterday was the 13th...and today is the 14th... and i kant even spell calander...i have no talent and i'm not smart!!!
well that basicly discribes u compared to me... Caffine Woman!!!
~Sat. Aug. 16, 1999~
GOD I'm updating alot...

This is my message board..... go to it...i dont care if u flame it or whatever...hey...i do it myself.
U really want to have to deal with an unmoderated message board!!! Wow...ur braver than i thought.....
I guess so
Well...that's all 4 now...cya

~Fri. Aug. 15, 1999~
Well if u r curious... Caffine Woman wants me to let u know that she exists...although i doubt her state of reality.
Who's who's sidekick here???
um..... if u rn't real than how can i be ur sidekick...besides...maybe ur part of MY imagination
Dont do it Lowa.....
-the voice suddenly stops...but the mouth continuse to move-
hehehe...i told u that u were in my i imagined that u are mute

~Whatever day i started this page~
OK Strangers Suck!!!!
Hi, I'm Lowana..... I love Star Wars... Stranger suck because they make things about how stupid things are on request..... i think that all of us who have a reason why Star Wars is good should e-mail it to me... i'll organize it and send it to the strangers and maybe we'll get them to make us take it off... let's hope!!! My e-mail is and my icq is 33291808!!! Every1 who gives me a ligit. reason will be on our list and their name placed on the list!!!
Scott smells funny!!!! Just thought i'd inform u...
(just to stop further u r gross mails... i dont really KNOW if he smells... it a local expression)
All cheese fan unite!!!
Cheese is a main ingreediant in Pizza so I'm all for it!!! YEAH GO CHEESE

Why we oppose

The Map!!!

The Pro Cheese Page...YEAH GO CHEESE
The Pro Mystery Men Page... Hey Now Ur an All Star.....YEAH
The Pro Jolt Page..... Caffine Rulz...YEAH
The info about us... YEAH...go us...go us!!!!!
New Lyrics to Old songs... YEAH out with the old and in with the new
Anti-Algebra... YEAH... DOWN WITH THE MATH
Go opposers.... YEAH WE ROCK
Anti-Hotdogz..... Yeah..... down with the ucky meat!!!!!!!!
Go Plethora... YEAH... everybody say PLETHORA..... i just love that word!!!
um... ok... i have no clue why i put this up so GO I HAVE NO CLUE!!!
