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Digimon HQ

Digimon HQ

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Digimon HQ

Welcome To Digimon HQ

Welcome To DHQ!- 2/19/00 11:23 AM EST E mail
Hi and welcome to DHQ (Digimon Head Quaters), all though the page wasn't open today I decided to put this here so when it was you would no what I have been working on. I will be looking for affiliates later on when the site is up and running and I would like to thank my brother for starting me off with this page. Visit his page by clicking here. I am going to get to work now so

Seeya! :)

Hey WuZ uP?- 2/19/00 11:26 PM EST E mail
Hey WuZ uP? This is Chris from CPP (Chris's Pokemon Place), I am gonna help my bro out with his site and I made the layout and opened the page. A lot fo sections aren't up yet so keep coming back. GtG CyA :)

THANKZ! - 2/20/00 11:20 PM EST E mail
Hey WuZ uP? I would like to thank Lance of PVB and Co Webmaster of Digimaniacs HQ, for these two sweet images from the two new episodes of Digimon. One is MetalGarurumon and WarGreymon, and the other is just WarGreymon. There pics are underneath all this writing. Thank you so much, and I want everyone to visit those two sites please! They are both really cool and are worth going to. Thankz again! :)

WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon!


THANKZ! - 2/20/00 11:20 PM EST E mail
Hey WuZ uP? Sorry for the huge @ss loss in updates I have been really busy with school and my bro is sick so he can't work on this site. In Digimon News there will be a marathon on Fox Family this Sunday starting at 7 a.m. and all the Digi shows will air.

GtG CyA :)

DHQ is up! - 2/27/00 9:51 AM EST E mail
Hey WuZ uP? Like I said in the Site News section all the sections would be up, and they are. This site is now fully up and running. I am not gonna update for a while.

GtG CyA :)

Bad News - 3/1/00 9:36 AM EST E mail
Hey WuZ uP? I am sick and stayed home,and the bad news I won;t be able to update for possibly a long time. My computer I think has a virus (again) but this is really serious. the last one we got our computer back to normal in like almost a day, this is big. My computer hasen't worked for like a week and it's still not opening some programs. It also makes this clicking sound when you left click something. Oh well, I hope its nothing to big.

GtG CyA :)

Chris' Pokemon Place

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