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Description of Item

Chaotic Sword #5407 A gold sword that shines from the sparkles of diamonds that are embedded at its hilt. Its blade is over 5ft in length and is jagged at the beginning of the blade at the hilt. Though the blade is shaped where it can be easily fought with 2 hands, it's light enough to weld with 1. Its power out matches most making it a great war sword. Crafted by Merius.
+6HR, 1 Handed, +7DE, Lasts forever

Statis of Mount
Crimson Dragon Edge 1d16de 60+hs 70lp 1d27spd +8hr -5DE 3145pp
Special Ability: Edge shoots forth intense breath of flame at one opponent dealing 3d8 DE.roll to hit Hs in half

º Statistics º


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