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this portion.--> Welcome To Schizo Clown's Homepage


Im Movin Tommorrow The 7th of July to Alabama so it might take awhile for me to update this again!

My page is gonna be mostly about ICP & Psychopathic Records, even though I don't like some that are with Psychopathic records,thats okay! Well, theres not going to be much on here yet. I just want people to know this is for strictly ICP, Twiztid and other PsychoPathic Record people fans. Although I will add a few other hard rock, metal, and alternative bands on here. And please sign my guestbook, its at da bottom at da bottom of the page. Plus I'd like ta shout out to all da juggalos and juggalettez out dere. All ya juggahoes dat are on my site...fuck you hoes!! (If ya dont know what a juggahoe is then you must not like icp nuff to know whats what dumb bitch!) Tell me if im too rude, then I'll tell ya how much of a pussy you are bitch! =o)

Everyone check out this band Theyre called Mantraus and they kick major ass. Go to their site and listen to em. Theyre really good. they should do good.

Mp3 I thank this is just their mp3 thang.

Band's Page

Juggalos and Juggalettez, or anybody, can contact me threw da messengers i got.

AOL S/N: TwiztidCl0wnGirl, Psycho Punk Girl, MsJuggalette420

ICQ #: 3509535

MSN MSNGR: (look me up under email

Bolt: AnarchistGirl

Yahoo Msngr: psychofreak421 or patheticfreak420

Dats it!


My Boy

My Religion

My Icp Scrap Book (pics)

Jokers cards

Feel Free to email me with any comments or anything you think I should add. Give me any ICP,or Psychopathic Record members, links and I'll put 'em on here. But, until this page is done Mad Clown Love to all!! =o) ^*~Juggalette~*^


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