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I am not sure quite what age is the real ones so please e-mail me if you know
Pilot Ep:

Kari: 5 (tho not in the show yet)
TK: 6
Izzy: 10 ½
Sora: 12
Tai: 12
Mimi: 12
Matt: 12 ½
Joe: 15

Last EP:

Kari: 5 ¾
TK: 6 ½
Izzy: 11
Sora: 12
Tai: 12 ½
Mimi: 12 ½
Matt: 13
Joe: 15

Other list that I got from some one else

Kari is 8
T.k. is 8
Joe is 12
Mimi is 10
Izzy is 10
Sora is 11
Matt is 11
Tai is 11