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If you know any of these digimon's moves that I don't have listed e-mail me.
All Digidestine's Digimon!!!

All of the digidestines trained forms.

Koromon                bubble attack
Agumon                 pepper breath
Greymon                Digi Nova Blast
MetalGreymon           Giga Blaster/Mega Claw
WarGreymon             Tera Force/Mega Claw

Yokomon                bubble attack
Biyomon                Spiral Twist 
Birdramon              Meteor Wing 
Gaduramon              Wing Blade
Pheonixmon             Crimson Flame/Starlight Explosion

Tsunomon               bubble attack
Gabumon                Blue Blaster 
Garurumon              Howling Blaster 
Weregarurumon          Mega Claw
MetalGarurumon         Metal Wolfclaw, Giga Missile, Ice Wolf Claw

Tokomon                bubble attack
Patamon                Boom Bubble 
Angemon                Hand of Fate
MangaAngemon           Heavens Gate\Magna Antidote
Seraphimon             Testament/Seven Heavens
GodDramon              God Flame/Summon
Pegusmon               Silver Brace/Shooting Star

Tanemon                bubble attack
Palamon                Poison Ivy 
Togemon                Needle Spray 
Lilimon                Flower Cannon\Flower Wreath
Rosemon                Rose Thorn Whip

Bukamon                bubble attack
Gomamon                Fish Tank/ Marching Fishes 
Ikkakumon 	       Hapon Torpedo 
Zudomon                Vulcans Hammer
Marineangemon          Smiling Face, Ocean Love

Motimon  	       bubble attack
Tentomon               Electro Shocker 
Kabuterimon            Super Shocker 
MegaKabuterimon        Horn Buster 
Herculeskabuterimon    Mega Electro Shocker

Salamon                Fire Paws 
Gatomon                Lightning Claw 
Angewomon              Celestial Arrow\Heaven's Charm
MagnaDramon            Dragon Fire/ Fire Tornado
Neferutimon            Curse of the Queen/Rosetta Stone

Chibimon               bubble attack
Buimon                 Buimon Head
Fladramon              Silver Brace/Shooting Star
Lightdramon            Blue Thunder

Poromon                bubble attack
Hawkmon                Feather Rush
Horusmon               Red Sun/Tempest Wing

Upamon                 bubble attack
Armadimon              Rolling Stone
Digmon                 Gold Rush/Big Crack
Submarimon             Oxygen Homing/Submarine Attack  

Leomon 2               Fist of the beast king
SaberLeomon            Twin Fang\Howling Crusher

All champions combined.
All the ulimates.