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Malori'z paGe

.ab0ut me.
.my piCcz.
.friends piCcz.
.aoL pe0ple's piCcz.
.(m0re aoL pe0ple's piCcz).
.my sCreen naMes - talk to me.

siGn my guestbo0k aiGht?

thanks for lo0kin at my paGe
it's still under maD constructi0n, so don't buG me
c0me baCk so0n n peeP whas new.


Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

please, if yew decide to sign my guestbo0k, don't make it a private entry. i forgot my lycos login name n passw0rd, so i can't check private entries. so if yew want me to see yer message, don't make it private. thanks ;)