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Theme Song

So Many Books...(theme song)

There is a hunger, a longing for bread
And so comes the call for the poor to be fed
More hungry by far are a billion and more
Who wait for the Bread of the Word of the Lord

So many books, so little time
So many hunger, so many blind
Starving for words, they must wait in the night
To open a Bible and move towards the Light

There'll come a time, the prophets would say
When the joy of mankind will be withered away
A want not for water, but a hunger for more
A famine for hearing the Word of the Lord

So many books, so little time
So many hunger, so many blind
Starving for words, they must wait in the night
To open a Bible and move towards the Light

The Word won't go out
Except it return
Full, overflowing
And so we must learn

So many books, so little time
So many hunger, so many blind
Starving for words, they must wait in the night
To open a Bible and move towards the Light

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This page was last updated on February 24, 2003