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Please pardon my Pixy dust while I redecorate my page.


"New Year Eve 2000"

I would like to welcome you to my home page.
As you can tell I love Disney and the magic it brings.
Please sit back and enjoy the music, pictures and
my favorite links I added for your pleasure.

A little about myself. I'm 36, married, and have one son who is 9
and in the third grade (my how time does fly). I live in Pennsylvania/USA.
I am a housewife who enjoys reading, computer, watching soaps
and spending time with my family. In my spare time I cross-stitch;
collect Disney Beanies; do some quilting and read books.

I enjoy animals and sports. My favorite teams just happends to be from
Pittsburgh (Steelers, Pirates and Penguins) and I also like Penn State
Nittany Lions and yes for NASCAR I can't but help fall in love with the #24
car with Jeff Gordon at the wheel.

Tyler and I worked hard together on his web page for children
and also the young at heart. Please stop in at his page
and let him know you were there by signing his book.

We have been really busy around here
Tyler will be starting hockey and baseball in the spring.
Have to keep mom and dad moving around.
We had a really great holiday at Walt Disney World in
Orlando, Florida (see Pictures from Disney Link).
We spent most of the time getting the charactor's autographs
and not having to rush around to get everything done.
Tyler and I also participated in the "Disney Pin Trading"
with other guest and the employees. This was a good experience
for Tyler to meet other people from all over the world and to
learn trading. It was trip to remember and one we'll never forget.

Thanks again for visiting my site and PLEASE
remember to sign the guest book.

My Favorite Links
Tylers Fun Site
Pictures from Disney 2000-2001

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