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Other Royal News in Photos October 2000

Other Royal News in Photos October 2000

Fergie visiting a fashion show in Milan together with Count Gaddo della Gherardesca (4.10.)

King Juan Carlos I. of Spain and his son Crown Prince Felipe celebrating the National Columbus Day (12.10.)

Crown Prince Alexander of Yugoslavia arriving in Belgrade to meet the new Serbian President (15.10.)

Prince Alexander lights a candle during a memorial service for the members of the Karadjordjevic dynasty (17.10.)

Queen Elizabeth II. and her husband Duke Philipp of Edinburgh meeting Pope John Paul II. in Vatican (17.10.)

Queen Elizabeth II. during her state visit in Italy (19.10.)

Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Princess Martha Louise of Norway in New York representing their countries at a Scandinavian Gala

Earl Edward and Countess Sophie of Wessex during an official visit in Malaysia (23.10.)

Princess Caroline of Hannover and her brother Hereditary Prince Albert of Monaco in New York

Princess Margaret of England celebrated her 70th birthday! Her son Viscount David Linley with his beautiful wife Serena on the left, her daughter Lady Sarah Chatto and her husband Daniel on the right.

Two Queens honored on October 31st: Queen Mum received the insignia of the Order of Canada and Queen Sofia of Spain received an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree at New York University

Created October 24th 2000! Last updated November 3rd 2000!

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