When Lightning Strikes Twice by JR (JRR42@yahoo.com) Warnings: I've been told that knowledge of Due South is *NOT* necessary, but is nevertheless helpful. Disclaimer: Jim, Blair, and all the Sentinel folks belong to UPN and Pet Fly Productions and are used without their permission. Ben, Ray, and everybody else from the Due South universe are the property of Alliance. Oh boy, where to start. Thanks to Heather, Regina, and Sammy for beta reading. And to Lisa Martin for the nitpicking, and Eriker for the moral support. Many thanks for the wonderful suggestions and encouragement. ******************************************** Late Summer 1988 -- Northwest Territories He always liked summertime. The all-too-brief respite from the ferociousness of long, Arctic winters reminded him of happier times -- of going to the lakeside with his mother for picnics, or of his father; camping out with him solely for fun, rather than as an exercise in survival training. Of course, those times had ended with the death of his mother when he was barely six. It was after her passing that the R.C.M.P. became the focal point of his life. Everything he said, did, experienced, or learned was done in an effort to live up to the legend that was his father, and by default, make him the best Mountie he could possibly be. It was his life's goal. So what if his people skills weren't his strongest point? After seven years on the force, his survival and tracking skills were second only to one, his own father, not that it mattered overly much to him. No, what mattered the most was that he had a job he loved, lived for in fact, and that he was good at it. He was weary when he finally hiked back into the Inuit village near the R.C.M.P. outpost he was working out of by himself for the time being. Stuart Gayle, the other Mountie assigned to the station had been recalled to Moose Jaw several weeks ago, and Gayle's replacement wasn't expected for another month. Not that he minded, he always did prefer to work alone. Now he was tired. The pair of poachers that he had been tracking had led him on a two week chase. Towns were few and far between in this area, even more so than in most of the desolate Northwest Territories; so it took him a week to bring back the poachers to the closest R.C.M.P. substation, and then another two days to make it back to the Inuit village he needed to pass through to reach his assigned outpost. He hadn't made it halfway through the six buildings that comprised the heart of downtown when he saw a young Inuit girl come running from the direction of the cliffs over the river. Instinctively, he knew something was amiss, and shifting his rucksack more firmly against his shoulder, he called out to her to get her attention. Scared out of her mind and completely out of breath from running, he was barely able to discern the cause of her frantic state. When she finally managed to gasp out her story, his own blood ran cold. Despite his own exhausted state, his legs worked furiously as he ran for the cliffs; calling out over his shoulder for the girl to bring the village medicine woman back with her. The cliffs were twenty meters high at their lowest point, and the river below was extremely swift moving. There was a cluster of people leaning over a small girl at the edge of the treeline. He recognized the child almost immediately, a precocious eight year old named Mary. Twice he had assisted in searching to find her when she had wandered away from the village, once in the middle of a hellacious blizzard. He was present when her mother gave her a fierce talking down for her irresponsible actions, but secretly he admired her bravery for being able to survive out in the elements better than some of his fellow Mounties. Most of the faces that greeted him were familiar, but there were three that were not. White men were somewhat uncommon in the area, and introductions were hastily made while he was given a more complete briefing on what had occurred before his arrival. In truth, he had totally forgotten about the group of American anthropologists coming to the village. Dr. Taylor, the leader of the group, explained that the children brought his group up to show them the view from the cliffs. No one noticed how close Mary was to the edge until some loose rocks under her feet caused her to slip over the side, landing on a rather precarious, highly unstable ledge. One of the American students, apparently the smallest in stature of those assembled, managed to lower himself over by hooking all of their belts together to form a rather tenuous safety harness. The American was able to get Mary back up safely, but before he could pull himself up as well, the jury-rigged harness snapped, sending the student careening into the river below. He was quickly swept down-river, the current dragging him faster than help could follow. A quick examination of Mary showed she had broken her collar bone and was still in shock from the earlier events. The medicine woman arrived with several of the tribal elders half-way through his examination of the girl, so he let her take over caring for the child while he calculated the best way to go after the student. Hastily, he gathered all the information he could on the young man. In his most calming tone, he reassured the American professor as he double-checked the contents of his rucksack. "I'll bring him back," he said succinctly before swiftly setting off towards the trail that led to the river's edge. ************ It took two hours of hiking before he found his first trace of the student, a scrap of red flannel caught in a felled log that crossed the river. As he neared the dead-wood, a familiar scent tickled his nose. The copper-tanged scent of blood was faint, but unmistakable. Climbing out on the log carefully, he examined the scene. The blood was on top of the log, which meant the student was still alive and more importantly *conscious*. From the looks of things, the student most likely tried to use the tree to climb out, but the current must have swept him away again before he could get a good hold. However, the blood was dried, which meant the current had carried the American downstream even faster than he had previously calculated. That was bad. Hypothermia was still a risk if the student remained in the water for too long a period of time. If the cold overtook the American before he was able to exit the water, the student would have probably drowned quite some time ago. Sighing to himself, he did his best to shrug off his own exhaustion and set off again. ******************* Ten minutes later, the scent of smoke began to tickle his nose, only to get stronger as he jogged along the river bank. He continued for another kilometer or so before the knot that always seemed to settle in his stomach when he knew someone was in danger finally began to ease a bit. Shaking his head in wonder, he made his way towards the steadily burning fire. The red-flannel covered figure was lying as close to the fire as it could get without being scorched. He was careful to call out as he approached the student, so as not to startle the shivering American. Despite his good intentions, the younger man still jumped at the unexpected sound of another voice before turning to face the visitor. Frightened azure-blue eyes grew impossibly wide as the student warily watched him cross the remaining distance between them. "I'm with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, I'm here to help you," he said as he squatted down by the huddled figure. "Royal Can...y-y-you're a M-m-mountie? C-c-c-ool," the student managed to stutter in between the chattering of his teeth. "Are you all right, Blair?" he asked, recalling the name the Professor had mentioned back at the cliffs. The student was too shocky to notice that he had just been called by name. Instead, he simply watched as his rescuer opened his pack and began pulling out supplies. "I f-fell in th-the r-r-river..." Tears; either of embarrassment, frustration, fear, or more likely a combination of all three, welled up in those mesmerizing eyes. Nodding gravely, the older man found the first aid kit in the bottom of his bag. "I know, I heard when I returned to the village. Have you sustained any other injuries besides those on your hands?" It was difficult to differentiate the slight shake of the young man's head from the shivers wracking his thin frame. "I have some dry clothes here. Why don't you pull off those wet ones and let me check you over while you're stripped down. You're probably hypothermic, so we need to get you warm as expediently as possible." "I t-tried t-t-to get w-warm as q-quickly as I-I could, b-but it t-t-took so long t-to b-build the fire," the student explained as he made a few clumsy attempts to unbutton his flannel coat. Noting the younger man's difficulty, he reached out and took over the task with his usual efficiency. Once the jacket and two additional layers of thick flannel shirts were removed, he reached down to unfasten the leather belt holding up the denim jeans. A quick glance upwards caught the wayward student blushing a bright shade of red, 'probably over the prospect of being undressed like a child,' he thought as his hands moved to unbutton the jeans. "I have to admit that I'm impressed that you were able to get a fire started at all. It's not as easy a task as it looks to be, in spite of what they write in books. Most people from urban areas tend to romanticize wilderness survival, unfortunately overlooking the true skill it takes to survive out of doors..." He continued his monologue as he stripped the young American down to his briefs, hoping that the constant sound of his voice would keep the student distracted from the hands gently running over his body as they searched for possible internal damage and broken bones. The American's skin was like ice, a fact that worried him more so than the livid purple contusions that were already plainly visible along the young man's right side. "I-I used m-my g-glasses to r-refract th-the sunl-light t-to st-start th-the f-fire. Th-they w-were in m-my p-pock-ket." The student admitted quietly, fishing a pair of badly cracked wire-rims from the buttoned pocket of his flannel coat. Glancing down, he caught sight of a bruise that matched the shape of the frames. Given the velocity the young man had hit the water with, it wasn't surprising that the optics had shattered on impact. He was impressed by the younger man's actions and said so, laughing quietly to himself when the American admitted that he had seen it done once on a television show. "Well, as far as I can tell, you haven't broken anything, but there are already some rather nasty bruises forming from your impact with the water. I must say, you were lucky." "I d-don't f-feel so l-lucky," Blair managed to chuckle as he slipped into the dry clothes he was handed. The student was still shaking too badly to work the buttons and zippers, so once again, he reached over and completed the task for him. The wiry, waif-like figure of the American was lost in the sea of fabric in his jeans and longjohns. The professor back at the village mentioned that the student was nineteen, but the young man could have easily be mistaken for a sixteen year old. Only the dark mat of hair that covered his chest and the already dense layer of stubble covering the lower half of his face gave any indication of his true age. Yet, it wasn't just the innocence he saw in the student's face that struck him so. Those wide, frightened eyes stirred something in him, something that he couldn't put a name to; yet he felt all of his protective instincts rise to the fore. When the young man's voice broke into his thoughts, hestarted in surprise. "I-I f-forgot t-to ask, h-how is M-Mary?" "She broke her collar bone, but other than that, she's going to be fine." He responded with a genuine smile, touched by the younger man's concern for the girl. Looking up at the weakening sun, he realized it would be dark soon. Blair was still a little shocky from his ordeal, not to mention border-line hypothermic. Either way, it was obvious that the younger man was in no condition to attempt the hike back to the village that night. Unfastening his bed roll, he spread the pallet on the ground near the fire. "Why don't you get in there and we'll see if we can't get you warmed up." Groaning from the effort, the American did as he was told, burying himself up to his nose in the warmth of the blanket. The older man heard the student's stomach rumble softly, so he reached into his bag once more, frowning at the lack of immediate provisions. No matter, this area was crawling with game, so they wouldn't go hungry. "Here, eat this. Make sure you drink plenty of water afterwards." "What is it?" the younger man asked warily. "It's pemmican. It expands when consumed with water, filling the stomach so you won't feel as hungry. When you're done, I'll bandage your hands, then I'll go see about finding some dinner." "'Finding dinner?' What exactly do you have in mind?" The tone of caution in the younger man's voice was unmistakable, even around the stuttering and chewing. "Well, it will depend on what the most expedient food source is at the moment. I am licensed to catch salmon from this river, and I do have a small trapping net with me. Or, if you prefer, there is plenty of small game available nearby, which I am also licensed to hunt." "Small game?" the younger man asked in between swallows of water. "Perhaps now would be a good time to tend to your hands," he suggested as he reached for the antibiotic salve and bandages before returning to the earlier question. "Rabbits, squirrels, and the like. This area is also teaming with caribou, but I would prefer not to kill so large an animal when most of the meat will only go to waste. After all, there are only two of us and we have no way of preserving it for the trip back to the village." "Wouldn't it be easier just to catch some fish?" The younger man was looking more and more squeamish as the conversation progressed. The older man had to stifle a smile. How like an American to get unsettled by the thought of actually killing for food. Where exactly did they think the meat in their stores came from in the first place? The cow fairy? "Well, actually, no. There are four rabbits just in that brush over there. Not to mention that net-fishing would require me to get wet and you are currently wearing my only change of clothing." "I g-guess you have a p-point there. I'm s-sorry for t-taking your extra clothes. And f-for making you h-have to c-come after me in the f-first place," he added humbly. "It's my duty," he answered honestly while he moved away to find some more wood for the already weakening fire. There was plenty nearby, and it wasn't long before he had the blaze built up to his satisfaction. The younger man hadn't left the coccoon of the bedroll, but his eyes followed the older man, taking note of each and every action he made. "I'm going to go see to dinner. Perhaps you might try to get some rest. You've had a most trying day, after all. Should you need anything, just call out, I'll stay within hearing distance." Those blue eyes widened slightly at the prospect of being left alone again, and he watched as the younger man visibly attempted to calm himself before nodding in agreement. He was halfway to the treeline when he heard the student mutter to himself. "That's *real* good, Blair. The guy saves you from freezing to death and you don't even bother to ask his name." He never bothered to stop, instead he called out over his shoulder. "Constable Benton Fraser. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Blair." ********************* Blair was asleep when he returned, so Ben took the opportunity to study the younger man as he skinned the two rabbits he'd caught, cooking the meat on the folding wire spit from his rucksack. At first glance, Blair was easy to dismiss; just like most of the other teens he'd seen in the bigger cities -- well, if Moose Jaw could be considered a 'big city'. Blair was smaller and far more scrawny than Ben had been when he was nineteen. Then again, Ben never would have worn two silver hoops to decorate his ear; or sported the haircut that was popular among younger people these days, longer curls on the top, buzzed short on the sides and back. Ben hadn't really noticed anything special about Blair earlier, but now that he had a chance to observe the younger man uninterrupted, he was drawn in by the unconventional beauty of the student. Blair was absolutely breathtaking in repose, the face of an angel stuck on the reedy body of a teenager. That he found another male to be beautiful was quite shocking to the Mountie; not that it wasn't acceptable, just that he had never found himself attracted to another man before, especially one that was seven years his junior and barely over the age of consent. Yet, there was something about this American, something that brought out the protective instinct that had welled up within Ben from the first moment he laid eyes on Blair. The student's courage and resourcefulness was obvious. Although he would have expected the Inuit to risk their lives to save Mary, he honestly never would have believed that an American stranger would do so. And then, to survive being swept downstream for kilometers, and still have the presence of mind to start a fire...well, it was safe to say that he was more than impressed. However, it still didn't explain the reason he felt so...drawn to Blair, almost like he'd found a kindred spirit. Putting the thought aside for the time being, Ben was just about to wake the younger man when Blair woke of his own accord. "God, that smells wonderful. Just do me a favor, man, and don't tell me what I'm eating. I'd never be able to watch another Disney flick as long as I live, okay?" Although he didn't quite understand the comment, Blair's tone of voice indicated that it was supposed to be humorous, so Ben graced him with a small smile. Reaching for the only plate he had with him, the Canadian removed the roasted meat from the spit and handed Blair his hunting knife. "I'm sorry, I don't have a fork." "That's cool," the younger man smiled with a shrug. "I'm so hungry I was starting to look at my pinky finger, asking myself 'Am I gonna need that later?'" This time Ben did chuckle. Now that he was a little more rested, a tad bit warmer, and was on his way to a full belly, Blair was able to carry most of the conversation. In under an hour, Ben learned a great deal about the anthropology undergrad. Once the younger man had offered some basic information on his own life, he began to ask about Ben about his background. Never comfortable talking about himself in any detail, the Mountie did his best deflect the questions without seeming evasive. However, the younger man noticed the effort and bulldozed through Ben's carefully cultivated techniques as though they were crepe-paper. For some reason unknown to the Canadian, he found himself opening up a little more than he had with any other person in recent memory. It surprised him somewhat, considering that he and this American had so little in common, aside from being well read and having a basic willingness to help others. Blair was extroverted, a great conversationalist, bounding with endless amounts of energy and, dare he say it, a healthy disrespect for authority in general. Although Ben had to admit that he was more polite and well-mannered than most Americans he'd come across in the past. The sun had completely set by the time Ben came back from washing the plate and knife in the river. There was a slight chill in the air from the gentle wind sweeping down from the Arctic, so he carefully built up the fire again before checking on his young charge. Once again, shivers were tearing through Blair's slight frame, and the echoes from his chattering teeth were loud in Ben's ears. The student's own clothing was still soaking wet and he was already under the only blanket in the rucksack. "Still cold?" Ben asked needlessly. "S-s-sorry, I-I've al-lways b-been s-sens-sative t-to the c-cold." Blair stammered. "What on earth possessed you to come study an Inuit village in the Arctic Circle?" Ben asked with an ironic chuckle. "I-it's a l-long st-story," Blair admitted sheepishly. "W-what are y-you d-doing?" He asked as Ben removed his shoes and stripped down to his white boxers before raising the edge of the bedroll. There was a hint of panic in his voice, tinged with something that sounded like embarrassment. "You're still cold, and you are under the only blanket we've got. Besides, it's a known fact that sharing body heat with another person is really the best way to warm up another individual." Blair was staring at him as though he had just grown another head. "It happens quite frequently out here, there's no need to be embarrassed." Ben counseled. "O-okay, I g-guess," Blair replied after a moments hesitation. Ben could almost feel the heat from the blush that crept over the younger man's features. "Uh, d-do I-I need t-to...um, I-I mean-n..." Taking pity on the younger man, Ben answered the question Blair was struggling to ask. "Skin to skin contact tends to hasten the process, not to mention that you can lay the clothing over you as an extra blanket," he suggested. "Do you require assistance undressing?" Although he didn't think it was possible, Blair blushed even harder at his offer of help. "N-no, I think I-I c-can handle it this t-time." Blair managed to remove the jeans, but hesitated when it came to the long-johns. He was naked underneath the warm material, his briefs still damp from his trip in the river. Closing his eyes as he steeled his resolve, the young American shimmied the material down his legs, quickly covering himself with the cast-offs. Once he was settled, Ben slid into the bedroll and gently nudged Blair over onto his side. Spooning up behind the younger man, the Canadian readjusted the long-johns to provide the greatest amount of warmth possible. Blair's skin was still like ice, so the Mountie pressed his chest up against the student's bare back, ignoring the muscles that tensed up under the contact. "Relax, Blair," he soothed. "Try and get some sleep. We have a four hour hike ahead of us tomorrow and we should get an early start." "Ok-kay. Goodnight, C-constable," Blair offered between shivers. "Goodnight, Blair." "C-onstable?" The student whispered after a short time. "Yes, Blair?" "Thank you f-for c-coming after m-me. I-I..." he trailed off, not knowing exactly what he wanted to say. "You are most welcome, Blair." Ben assured him. They remained silent for awhile, neither man sleeping, but each unable to prevent the thoughts moving rapidly through his head. Eventually, Blair's shivers ceased and his body began to radiate heat of it's own. The warmth of the presence in front of him lulled Ben into the deep sleep that can only be borne from exhaustion. ************************ It had been a long time since he'd dreamed in such erotic detail, not since Victoria. Victoria Metcalf, the woman who had stolen Ben Fraser's heart as easily as she robbed banks. He'd tracked her in a blinding blizzard, the storm nearly costing them both their lives. Somewhere amidst the blinding snow, he had fallen hard for the beautiful felon. Yet, in the end even his feelings of love were not enough to overcome his devotion to duty. Once back in relative civilization, he ignored her pleas to let her go and turned her over to the proper authorities. That experience with Victoria was so painful, Ben spent the last two years deftly avoiding any possible romantic entanglements. However, time and distance worked their magic admirably; and finally the memories of Victoria started to ease away until all that remained of her was a soft version of an angel's voice, bliss of their love-making, and the dull ache of regret over what might have been. Oh sure, sometimes his subconscious got the best of his iron control via his dreams, tormenting him with the reminders of what his flesh was missing, but never to the point that he was currently experiencing. The faceless figure was so warm in his arms; twisting and moving sensuously against his own larger form. Tightening his grip, he attempted to lock his dream companion in his embrace. As soon as his arms moved around his lover, a feeling swept over him, one so foreign it actually took a moment to put a name to it. Safe. For the first time since he was six, he felt safe and...complete. "Ohh!" The desperate moan from his lover sent a shiver down Fraser's body that ended directly in his groin. The heady scent of arousal, both his own and his companion's tempted his olfactory sense. Leaning his head down, his pressed his lips against his lover's so that he could match a taste to the scent. As his tongue made a thorough investigation of his lover's mouth, his hips began to slowly undulate against the solid form of his companion, seeking the friction he needed to appease his desire...and was startled to find himself pressed against an unfamiliar, but easily recognizable, hardness. It was the beginning of his undoing. Awareness began to slowly returned to the Mountie, all the clues that his unconscious mind had ignored -- the scents, the feel of stubble against his own cheek -- started filtering into his mind. Then he remembered, first where he was, and secondly, who exactly it was in his arms. He knew what was happening was in some way wrong -- yet, at the same time, nothing in his life had ever felt so *right* before. He made one last token effort to pull away from Blair, possibly the most difficult thing he had ever tried to do; but in the end, it was hopeless. He could no more release the young man in his arms than he could fly. Before he could further contemplate what he was doing, Blair, who had been none too gently rocking against Ben's larger form, stiffened suddenly; his cry as he reached the pennacle of ecstasy swallowed by the kiss they shared. At the sound of Blair's moan, Ben's slate-blue eyes opened to witness the sheer beauty of the younger man as his face contorted in the throes of passion. Moved by the sight, he clung to the student as the younger man's body writhed in orgasm. Gasping for breath, teal-blue eyes opened to study the man who had inadvertently brought him to such a state. Still tremoring from the aftershocks, an elegant hand rose slowly to gently caress Ben's stubble-roughened cheek. Unknowingly, the Mountie turned his face to increase the contact before he remembered himself. "Blair...I can't...that is...I shouldn't...I'm sor..." The intended apology was averted by a single, bandaged finger that moved to rest upon his kiss-swollen lips. "Ssshh," Blair quieted. They sat unmoving for long seconds, Ben almost able to read the younger man's thoughts through his facial expressions. Finally, Blair spoke what was on his mind. "You feel it too, don't you? There's something ...between us." The shocked expression on Ben's face was more than enough to answer the whispered question. It also scared the hell out of him. So much for the idea that the strange attraction he felt for the student was one sided. He made one last attempt to pull away, only to find himself being dragged back towards the younger man. Although he could have easily broken free, he let himself be pulled closer. Blair's small frame was certainly deceiving, the student was a great deal stronger than he looked. As Blair's lips descended upon his own, Ben found himself once again lost in the taste of student's mouth. His erection, which had been slowly fading, quickly made an about face; especially when one of Blair's hands snaked between their bodies to caress it through the thin layer of his boxers. Moaning at the delicious feel of the contact, Ben gave up the struggle against his principles and followed where the younger man led. Emboldened by the Mountie's acceptance of his touch, Blair's first hesitant strokes became firmer, more confident. At the same time, the student's lips left the familiar territory of Ben's mouth and began to explore downwards. Kisses, licks, and tender nips were spread over the Mountie's neck, chest, and stomach, leaving the older man wreathing under the onslaught. When Blair finally reached the barrier of his lover's boxer shorts, he hesitated in uncertainty. The pause in sensation allowed the Mountie a brief moment of sanity, long enough for Ben to realize the cause of the problem. In the end, Ben made the decision for Blair by planting his feet on the ground and raising his hips, allowing the younger man to remove the offending garment. The touch Ben was expecting next didn't happen. Instead, Blair sat back as best he could in the confines of the bedroll, staring in wonder at his lover. "God, you're beautiful," he whispered. Blushing fiercely red, Ben shook his head to deny the words. "Yes, you are." With that said, Blair leaned forward to place a kiss on Ben's swollen erection. Hissing in pleasure, the older man's hips pressed upwards, seeking more of the sweet sensation. He didn't have to wait long before the moist heat of Blair's tongue swept over the head of his cock, sampling the pre-come that had gathered at the tip. He was wondering what the taste was like, when the younger man surprised him by suddenly sitting upright. In the pale light of the night, Ben could barely see Blair's sudden, playful grin accompanied by a raised eyebrow. With a careful bit of maneuvering, Blair managed to turn himself around in the limited space, while at the same time, adjusting both of them so they were facing each other on their sides. At the sight of the younger man's renewed erection in front of his face, Ben had no doubt exactly what the American had in mind. The scent of Blair's arousal, along with the smell of semen, was much stronger near it's source. As Blair's mouth wrapped resumed it's actions along Ben's cock, the Mountie took his own first tentative taste of the younger man. The salty, earthy taste of Blair exploded across his tastebuds, the lusciousness pulling a groan from him that was mirrored by the young student. Giving. Taking. They explored each other carefully at first, until the building passion escalated into reckless abandon. When Blair's hand reached down to caress his testicles, Ben came with a muffled cry. It was all the younger man needed, and seconds later, Ben found himself rapidly swallowing the semen from Blair's second orgasm. Trembling from the power of it all, they clung tightly to each other for long minutes; each lost his own thoughts. Finally, Blair released his hold and carefully righted himself in the bedroll. Caught in a sudden feeling of uncertainty, Blair hesitated, unsure of the protocol of the situation. With sudden understanding, Ben hesitantly extended his arms, offering to hold his...lover in a cautious embrace. Blair was asleep almost before Ben's arms tightened around him, exhausted by the force of his recent activities. Unfortunately, Ben wasn't so lucky. Now that the mindlessness that had sprung from sexual need was wearing off, Ben found himself uncertain over what had just occurred. Great Scott! What had he been thinking, getting involved with a person who was in his charge?? Had he learned nothing from the whole disastrous affair with Victoria? At least Blair wasn't a wanted felon, as if that were some kind of consolation. No, instead, Blair was a man. Oh, he was aware of such relationships and personally had nothing against it; but he just never expected to find himself involved in one. Nor had he ever expected to feel such a connection with another living soul, male or female. Was it normal to feel this way about another person? Searching his innermost thoughts, he turned them towards Victoria. No, the overwhelming passion he felt for her was still there. What he felt for Blair was different, not lust; but instead a feeling of belonging, completeness the likes of which he had never before experienced. What did it all mean, and more importantly, where was it coming from in the first place? And, God help him, did he want it to continue? God, he was tired. He needed to rest, and they had a long hike ahead of them tomorrow, plenty of time to sort out what had just occurred here tonight. Sighing with frustration over his restless thoughts, Ben finally allowed himself to succumb to sleep. ************************ *finis*