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TeEn pRofilEs!

Hi! tHis iS a nEw siTe aNd i nEed yoU teEns tO piTch iN! aLl yA haVe tO Do iS Post Your pRoFile at tHe boTTom, mE yoUr ProFile! iNcLudE aLl oF tHe


*fIrsT naMe

*aGe gEndeR lOcatiOn

*yOur dEscriPtioN


*fAvoRite mUsiC, SitEs,

& cHatrOoms

*wHat kiNd oF a Person

yOu'rE loOkinG for

(age geNdeR LocAtiOn)

* yoUr hOmepAge

(if ya got one)

*LiesUre aCtiVitiEs

*e-mAil adDreSs

NOTE: for location, write your country and state you are currently living in. write a good description of your self. for religion, state the strength you have in your religion. that is important to some people. your e-mail address will be on this website under your profile. if you aren't a teen, you will not see your profile in here. no disturbing language please. when you want your profile removed, e-mail me. this is free. please send me all of the information. thank you

e-mAil mE!

sEnd mE yOur PoEtrY! sEnd mE yoUr coMments! sEnd mE YoUr sToriEs of loVe, fRiEndsHip, lIfe, LEarniNg, aNd fAmiLy! sEnd mE yoUr pRofiLe!

Submit your Poems & Stories Here

NOTE: send me as many things as you want. always include your age, gender, and location if you want your e-mail address stated near your name, so pe0ple can comment your literature, please say so when you send me your poems and stories.

About what YOU write

yOur fRienDs!

sHow oFf yOur fRieNds and/or yOur


sEnd mE a PictuRe oF tHem anD tEll

Me whY TheY mEan sO mUcH tO yOu!

NOTE: tell me thier names, your name, why you care so much about them,how you meet,ages and location. if you dont have a picture, thats alright! just tell me about them.

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JeWeL Kilcher

Please be patient and help me out. tell your friends about this site! thanks!

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