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~TaNyA'z HoMePaGe all about KAVANA!!!~ ~TaNyA'z HoMePaGe all about KAVANA!!!~

Hi, you guyz! Thanx for visiting my site. This place is all about the one and only...KAVANA!!! Check out the Kav pics, interviews, profile, lyrics, and don't forget to sign the guestbook, check out my SlamBook and join the Kavana Fan Club. Ciao!
If you wanna join Kavana's Official Fan Club, write to:
Fanclub Services, PO Box 20, Manchester M60 3ED

-Kav's Poll-
Is Kavana cute?

He's OK

Current Results

WaNnA sIgN mY gUeStBoOk? WaNnA sEe My GuEsTbOoK?

cHeCk OuT mY sLaMbOoK ViEw My sLaMbOoK
If you have any news, gossip, pics, or anything else I can add to this site, please e-mail me or message me on ICQ. My ICQ# is 13441446. If you don't have ICQ, just fill in your name,
e-mail address and message below and it'll automatically send to me through ICQ.

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yOuR nAmE:
yOuR e-mAiL aDdReSs:

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Kav pics...
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Kav's song lyrics...
Kav interviews...
Kav's fan club...
Kav's official website...
Kav's world...
Kav's page...
Kav's web gallery...
Kav's site...
