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Just a note, the photos on this page ARE NOT ME!!!! I'm sick of people thinking they are! They are pictures of TAL OFARIM! He's a GUY!! If you don't know who he is, thats not my problem, as long as you don't think he's me!!! (He's not Hanson either!)

Pictures to date: 178

Last update: 20th May / 2 new pictures

New pics in Gallery 6!

All galleries with new pictures will be marked with a , so you know where to look.

I guess this is my little tribute page to Tal Ofarim. I like him alot better than Gil, and before anybody jumps at my throat, the reason is, he plays bass and so do I. I respect him as a bassist, and I love the fact that we have something in common! Thats the main reason anyway. There are other reasons too, like... Gil has become a sex crazed ego maniac. Of course this is only my opinion, so I'm not expecting anyone to agree with me (although you should! Did you see him on the Popcorn show? Feeling himself up etc?). The other reason is, Tal is way cuter than Gil :) He just seems to get hotter with age!

I would really like to make this site bigger. I wish I could find more on Tal than just pictures... and even those are very difficult to come across. If anyone knows an address where I could get in contact with Tal, or if anyone has a sound clip of him talking, his autograph, or anything about him, please email it to me.

Another thing; I searched a really long time to find all these pics and get permission to use them all. Please don't ask me if you can have the whole collection for your site. The answer is no. I don't have the right to let you use them, you'd have to ask all the people I asked (and I asked alot). If you really want a couple, I don't think anyone will mind if you take them. Just don't take the whole lot, and I would appreciate it if you'd link back to this site. If you find a picture of Tal that for some reason, I don't already have, please email me at, and if its yours I'll credit you too.

Have fun browsing!

[ gallery one ]