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The Fan Fic

Well, folks, there ain't much here, but with school and all I have very limited fan fic time. Just in case you don't know what fan fic is, I'll tell ya. Fan fic is fan fiction or fiction written by fans of specific show, movie, etc.. Pretty complicated, huh? So anyway, here is a small collection of fan fic brought to you by yours truly and my friends Ruth and Halina. I attempted to link some of my favorite fics that were archived at Gossamer, but they have some weird block, so I couldn't. Oh well. These should be sufficient.

Candy Ass's Contributions

Under the Influence- *** Currently Unavailable *** This first story is written by me and is incomplete, so don't begin it if you aren't patient enough to wait around for me to finish it. "Under the Influence" is about an intelligent serial killer who carves what resemble checkerboards on his victims' chests. A classic X-file. Rated PG-13.

Scully: A Fisherwoman Without Bait- This fan fic is also written by me, but is much different than the previous. It pretty much sounds like the ramblings of a hormonal teenager. How appropriate. It's just plain whack. If you wanna laugh you ass off, read this. Rated PG-13.

The Morning After- I wrote this one when I was suffering from my usual Friday night insomnia. It sounds pretty mushy at first, but the ending is definitely worth waiting for. You'll probably puke along with Mulder. Woops! I've said too much already. Rated PG-13.

Ruth's Writings

The Axe- Sitting home one night, Mulder and Scully grow increasingly frustrated with network TV. Humorous story.

Townsend- Mulder and Scully stumble upon a town under the control of a charismatic vampire. This is an angsty one.

Der Crackhaus- Against Kersh's orders, the dynamic duo pair up again to investigate a paranormally stupid German I class in middle America.

Pee-Girl Gets the Belt- The events in Comity prompt Scully to reveal what she really does in her spare time. *plerb*@classical music.

Halina's Horny Fic

Taking the Initiative- After six years of unresolved sexual tension, Scully can't take much more. So, one Friday night, she takes the initiative. ***NC-17*** Please forgive Halina's horrible editing skills.

Thanksgiving- After an upsetting day at the office Scully goes home hoping to relax for the Thanksgiving holiday. Incomplete and again with the editing!

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