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My Rotty ----> Shotsie

Shotsie's Top Ten Favorite Things To Do:

Here are a few pictures of Shotsie and alittle more info about her!

Ten Things you shouldn't do to Rottweilers:

1.) Never jump over the fence in the middle of the night

2.) Never mess with them while they're eating

3.) Never let a rottweiler drink alcohol (<--- Not only will the dog not sleep, but you and the whole neightborhood will be kept awake becasue of the howling!!)

4.) Never play with a rottweiler in the pool (<--- Not only are they not water dogs but the black hair is a mess to clean up)

5.) Never leave your rotty in a kennel while your on vacation... they'll ignore you for a while (<--- Until you buy them a nice juicy steak, or in my dog's case a bowl of milk and a few slices of cheese!)

6.) Never take a rottweiler by surprise... they might end up giving you a surprise with teeth marks in your leg!! (<--- OUCH!!)

7.) Never not play with your rotty... (<--- With my dog you can could buy her the most expensive dog toy there is, but she wouldn't be the least bit interested unless she has a milk jug to play with!)

8.) Never give them chocolate pudding... (<--- It makes them sick)

9.) Never blind fold them... it drives them nuts!

10.) Never let them lick the cat (<--- Its painful on their part...)

And there were 10 things you shouldn't do to a Rottweiler!