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The Raphters

There's a new QUIZ in town! Okay, so it's not new, but I still like it!

Or you can click the icon below to peek into my mystery link!

Hello Friendlies, I am so glad you could make it in for a visit. Please, pull up a beam and make yourself at home. Enjoy The Raphters. If you've merely come to worship the Princess of Quitealot the please, leave your nonperishable offerings in the coffers beside my throne, all perishable items should be taken to the temple.

So it's been a while since I've updated the site. That's not to say I haven't had anything to say...just to say that I've been saying all I have to say to like, you know, real live people. Ooooh, Raphie got a social life! Well, I'm still here, still alive and kicking, and still as opinionated as ever so don't pull those white shoes out of the closet just yet!

Test Yourself!


Come quiz yourself silly with the Raphter's very own quiz site.

baby spice

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See how things look from the Raphters
The Message Board is currently down, but I'm working on it!
Or brush up your Raphespeare and read the Archives
