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It's my 2003 Pictures

A few of my goals for the year

Hey It's me again!!
Yeap Back for another year. I just have a few, and well they may be a bit boring,lol. The rest are for my boyfriend, wait, I don't have one anymore. But no you still can not see those. So haha! Kidding! I don't do those kind of pictures, too shy for that.(yeah Right)

February 7,2003

Someone asked to see me in overalls,lol. Sorry just up close.

February 8, 2003

Same person wanted to see me with no makeup, or so I call pale face,lol.

From Jan 31st, 2003

These are from Jan 25th , 2003

Was going for a more goth look in a few

Just a few to start with so far this year. I'm just getting back on, my cam was broke in July. My kids kinda dropped it. Borrowed one from a friend, it's an older one, but it will do til I get a digital.
Thanks for coming by!!
Have a great day!!