The Runic Half-Month Calendar

This calendar dictates the times at which certain runes have dominance.

December 28 - January 12 Eoh Yew death, shamanism
January 13 - January 27 Peorth the womb, a dice cup chance
January 28 - February 11 Elhaz elk optomism, protection, santuary
February 12 - February 26 Sigel sun victory, ascendancy over darkness
Febraury 27 - March 13 Tyr cosmic pillar hard work in order to make progress
March 14 - March 29 Beorc birch purification, rebirth, new beginnings
March 30 - April 13 Ehwaz horse partnership between humans and nature
April 14 - April 28 Man humanity archetypal reality of the human condition
April 29 - May 13 Lagu flowing water the flowing, mutable life force inherent in growth
May 14 - May 28 Ing expansive energy fertility and procreation, god of the hearth and light, male consort of Nerthus
May 29 - June 13 Odal home, possessions ancestral property, homestead
June 14 - June 28 Dag day opening, a door to good things
June 29 - July 13 Feoh wealth wealth and abundance; Frey and Freya
July 14 - July 28 Ur primal strength the collective actions of society best applied
July 29 - August 12 Thorn defense ascendant powers, orderliness
August 13 - August 28 As the gods stability, continuity
August 29 - September 12 Rad motion channeling energies to desired results
September 13 - September 27 Ken illumination flaming torch, creative fire; Frey and Freya
September 28 - October 12 Gyfu gift unity between gift giver and receiver
October 13 - October 27 Wyn joy harmony
October 28 - November 12 Hagal hailstone constraint, transformations; Hela; Urda
November 13 - November 27 Nyd necessity accomplish tasks before it's too late; prepare for restrictive activity
November 28 - December 12 Is stasis restricted activity
December 13 - December 27 Jara year cmpletion, fruition, marriage of the earth and cosmos