The Power of Stones : Silver

Since ancient times, silver has been revered as the metal of the moon and its deities. The word silver comes from the Old English seolfor. The silver mines of Joachimsthal in Bohemia were so rich, a mint was established there. The silver coins minted there were called Joachimsthaler, which was shortened to thaler, the origin of the word dollar. It was a common medium of exchange, especially among the Gypsies.

Those who wear silver jewelry to bed will have oracular dreams. In Biblical times, it was an oracular metal sent by the moon. Joseph's silver cup of prophecy was a lunar symbol as the source of enlightenment. As a metal of the moon, it is important to expose it to the moon's light as often as possible to maintain its power. Silver provides eloquence and improves speech, while it reduces fears and emotional imbalances. It is best used with agates, jet, turquoise, and moonstone, but it will strengthen any gemstone with which it is partnered.

Alchemists might tell you that the reason silver is said to repel evil creatures like werewolves and vampires is because it is "incorruptible" and such entities, as agents of evil are also agents of corruption. This is just a fancy way of saying silver is protective however. Even the sound of silver bells is supposed to ward of evil. Alchemist also insisted that silver was a healing metal, capable of curing corruptions of the flesh including festering wounds. Modern gemstone healers consider silver an excellent detoxifier for the blood. It is supposed to reduce irritation from pollutants and degeneration of the brain.