The Power of Stones : Jasper

Jasper (Silicon dioxide) is another name for certain types of chalcedony. It comes in a variety of colors, from brown and reddish brown to dark green and bloodstone and also occurs in gray and blue. Banding and other color mixtures are not unusual. Jasper is a close relative of agate, and there are some varieties, such as jaspagate and jasponyx, which it is difficult to classify. Jasper which contains hematite is sometimes called jaspillite, and brown jasper with yellow flecks is vabanite. Brecciated jasper (contains angular fragments) is called creolin, and Egyptian pebbles are nodules of yellow-brown jasper. Light green jasper may be referred to as plasma, and dark green is prase. Basanite, a fine-grained black jasper, is used as a touch stone to determine the purity of metals. (When the metal is rubbed on the stone, an assessment is made from the color of the streak. Other forms of jasper include darlingite, herbeckite, torrelite, and xyloid, but because there is no clear distinction between jasper, agate, chalcedony, onyx, and carnelian, these terms may be used interchangeably.

It is important to note that a stone called German lapis or Swiss lapis is in fact a blue-dyed jasper, and green-dyed jasper is known as Swiss jade or molochite. Other stained jaspers are sometimes referred to as Italian lapis.

Early writers claimed that a bit of jasper worn at the neck would strengthen the stomach. Writers of the eighteenth century extolled the virtues of green jasper (bloodstone). (Medicinal jasper prescribed in the Middle Ages was described as a grass green stone and so may have been chrysoprase.) It would stop bleeding and prevent bladder stones, especially when engraved with the figure of a scorpion at the time when the sun was entering the sign of Scorpio. It cured epilepsy and stomach pains. Fourteenth century writers asserted that carving jasper into the form of a dog, stag, or huntsman would allow the bearer to cure demonic possession. This possibly derived from the thirteenth century belief that the stone itself was holy, especially engraved with the sign of Mars or Daphne (a maiden with a laurel branch). Both Galen and Dioscorides suggested the stone tied to a woman’s thigh for easy, and painless childbirth, and it protects during the pregnancy as well. Anyone wearing jasper was safe from drowning, lung disease, and attacks by scorpions.

Jasper is known as the “supreme nurturer.” It helps remind its bearer that they are here on this plane for more than just themselves. They are here also to bring joy and peace to others. The gem lets its wearer accept and revel in being alone. The physical, emotional, and intellectual selves are balanced by jasper. It enhances mental functioning while steering the mind away from harmful thoughts.

It is a protective stone, especially shamans, as it corresponds to the solar plexus chakra and helps align the other chakras. In Native American traditions, jasper is a sacred stone and enforces adherence and performance of the old ways. Jasper which contains yellow is protective for both physical and astral traveler, and red jasper aids with health, rebirth, and creativity. Blue jasper helps connect to the “Other World.” For astral travel, the ancients would place one stone over the heart and one over the navel chakras. It also assists in maintaining one’s energy levels during a long fast.

As a general tonic, a piece of jasper may be left in water for two to three days. The water is then drunk as a health elixir. Jasper, especially red jasper, is helpful in relieving negativity, but the stone can become “tired” and then must be cleansed of its negative charge. This may be done in a variety of ways. The stone can be left in a bowl of sea salt for a few days. It may be washed in lemon and water. It may be washed in moon water (water left on the windowsill to soak up the light of a the full moon), or it can be left on the windowsill in the light of a full moon.

The treatment of tissue degeneration of the internal organs may be facilitated by the use of jasper. It is helpful in degenerative disorders of the kidneys, spleen, bladder, liver, and stomach. The sense of smell may also be restored through the use of jasper, and it soothes the nerves. Jasper assists in regulating the mineral content of the body.

Some Types of Jasper

Arizona Lizard Stone: This stone occurs in colors ranging from light to dark green. It promotes healing on all levels, allowing the body to reject the cause of the disease. Disorders of the skin and bloating are assisted by Arizona Lizard Stone. It alleviates headaches and provides emotional stability. Energy blockages which may lead to poor circulation can be removed through the use of this stone.

Arizona Lizard Stone generates hope in desperate situations. It supports changes of lifestyle and behavior but also encourages an appreciation of heritage and commonalities.

Bat Cave Jasper: This stone ranges from chocolate brown to tan. It is useful in helping to find one’s center and facilitating very deep states meditation. Stress is released with the “gentleness of a summer breeze.” Bat Cave Jasper assists in the transition to astral as well as the journey itself. It helps in the purification of the body and stimulates motor functions. Night vision is enhanced.

Bruneau Jasper: Color combinations of brown, tan, and ivory in circular patterns occur in Bruneau Jasper. The patterns occasionally form eye-like structures. Bruneau Jasper is useful in helping the user to see the interconnectedness of all things and worlds, including past lives, while maintaining a firm awareness of the physical world.

The health of the eyes is affected by Bruneau Jasper. Bacterial infections and diseases of the reproductive system are helped by this stone, as are disorders within the fatty tissues of the body. It is a good stone for bodily transitions of age. The herbalist may find it useful for the intuitive preparation of herbal combinations.

Orbicular Jasper (eye-spot): Orbicular jasper may be referred to as kindradite. Unlike Bruneau Jasper, it contains many small circles. Orbicular Jasper supports pursuits based on service. It allows one to accept responsibility and increase patience.

Meditative and healing states are facilitated by Orbicular Jasper. It affects the nutritional stability of the body and improves the digestive process and system. This form of jasper is suited to the elimination of toxins and also decreases body odor as a side affect.

Picture Jasper: Picture or landscape jasper creates scenes which resemble desert landscapes. It occurs in combinations of brown, tan, black, blue, and ivory. Biggs-formation Picture Jasper (from Biggs Oregon) is one of the most beautiful and expensive forms of this jasper. Biggs-formation is known as the stone for global awareness and “brotherhood.” A form of Biggs Jasper known as Biggs Blue is an unusual example of this subdivision. It is specifically stimulating of the third eye and helpful in understanding the technological advances of ancient, lost civilizations.

Picture Jasper is useful in retrieving hidden messages or a “picture” from the past. It is also a stone of harmony and proportion. Creativity and understanding of other cultures is encouraged through Picture Jasper. Business pursuits and activities leading to increase are affected.

Picture Jasper is also helpful in bringing hidden thoughts, grievances, fears, and hopes to the surface. It stimulates proper functioning of the immune system and treats disorders of the kidneys and skin.

Red Jasper: Red Jasper assists in rectifying unjust circumstances, and meditation with this jasper can provide one with methods of amelioration. Red Jasper assists the dreamer in recalling dream of pertinence to one’s life during meditation. It shows the user choices and responsibility. Red Jasper is also helpful in escapes from dangerous situations and prevents “set-back” disorders.

The Native American word for red jasper means “rain bringer” for its use in such ceremonies, and the stone also has a tradition of been used in dowsing. The Egyptians associated red jasper with the blood of Isis and it was used in cases of extensive bleeding.

Rose-Eye Jasper: This form of jasper is useful in assessing the determination and ability of an untested character. Rose-Eye jasper provides a protected and secure environment. It provides the user with quick rationality and actualization. This jasper is most useful for dispersion – of dissention, congestion, crowds, growths, overloaded schedules - whatever you need. It is a very supportive and reassuring stone. Pneumonia and hay fever are alleviate with this type of jasper.

Royal Plume Jasper: As it’s name would imply, this jasper comes in shades of royal purple and occurs in plume formations. It is used on the crown chakra and enhances status and power. Dignity is preserved and contradictions eliminated by this stone as it stabilizes emotions. It is also a binding stone, helpful in combining energies toward a common purpose. Royal Plume Jasper treats mental and emotional disorders and increases memory.

Wonderstone: Wonderstone is a soft yellow-tan jasper usually with waves of light violet flowing through it. Tranquility is caused and reinforced by it. This jasper eliminates worries by allowing the user to understand that worry does not change the situation causing the worry. Only appropriate action will alleviate the problem. It stimulates insight, imagination, creativity, and mental clarity.

The Colors of Jasper and Health
Brown Jasper: works slowly to remove ailments caused by pollution and toxins
Green Jasper: affects ailments of the upper torso, digestive tract, and cleansing organs
Red Jasper: battles diseases of the blood and liver, brings problems to light before they threaten
Yellow Jasper: benefits the endocrine glands and cleansing organs, gives strength and health

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Magickal Properties of Gemstones