The Power of Stones : Garnet

Garnet is not one mineral, but a group of minerals containing silica. Of its many members are Almandine, Pyrope, Spessartine, Rhodolite, Uvarovite, Grossular (Grossularite, Hessonite, or Cinnamon Stone), Andradite, Goldmanite, Henritermierite, Kimzeyite, Knorringite, Majorite, Yamatoite, Aplome, and Colophonite. Grossular has many sub-members including hydroglossular, xalostocite, landerite, rosolite (pink), tsavorite (green), and Transvaal Jade (a massive green form). Andradite includes demantoid (rich green), schorlomite, melanite (black), and topazolite (yellow-green). There are a few synthetic minerals referred to as garnets which are not, in fact, garnets because they do not contain silica. These are Yttrium Aluminum Garnet (YAG) and Gadolinium Gallium Garnet (GGG). YAG was a popular diamond substitute in the 1960s, and sold under such names as Alexite, Amatite, Circolite, Dia-bud, Diamite, Diamogen, Diamonique, Diamonite, Geminair, Kimberly, Linde simulated diamond, Nier-gem, Regulair, Replique, Somerset, and Triamond. GGG replaced YAG in the seventies due its slightly better diamond-like appearance though it was much softer.

Garnet can occur in virtually any color but blue, and crystalizes in natural dodecahedral and trapezohedral forms, masses, and plate-like layers. The name comes from the Latin "granatus" meaning like seeds in reference to the pomegranate (Granatum) for garnets are often found seeded in rocks. Some garnets have been the size of melons however. The color and size of garnets varies according to where in the world they are found. Pliny reported Indian carbuncle garnets large enough to be carved into a water jar. The ancient Hebrews named garnet "barak," lightening, in memory of its ability to lend positivity to its owner. Legends suggested that a garnet could never be hidden, even under clothing. It would shine with its own light. Noah was said to have used a wine-red variety to light the Ark, and it was one of the stones found on the breast plates of High Priests. Today, garnets are used widely in the industrial and scientific arenas from watch gears and scientific instruments to sandpaper and other abrasives.

The natives of North and South America and African tribal elders considered garnet a sacred stone. The ancient Egyptians carved garnet into beads for protective necklaces. In ancient times, garnets were noted for their protective energies. They were also thought to reduce toxins within the body and heal emotional problems. The gem was often worn as an amulet in defense against poisons. Placed under the pillow, they had the power to dispel bad dreams and depression. Some ancient Asiatic tribes used red garnets as projectiles for their slings because once they struck, they could not easily be seen in the blood. Indian soldiers fighting the British at Kashmir are said to have used garnet bullets in the hope of causing bloody, non-healing wounds. In other places though, the stones were purposefully placed within wounds to encourage healing, and they were thought to prevent wounds. The stone is said to ward off thieves because once stolen, it brings the thief nothing but catastrophic bad luck until returned. It was also given the ability to reveal what was hidden, and some suggested that this would assist those seeking past life information. Due to the garnet's association with blood and life, some feel it should only be worn by women.

Garnet emphasizes compassion and love, helping to teach patience. It also enhances the imagination, creativity, and passion, while discouraging chaotic, disruptive, or disorganized growth. It can strengthen the mind or body in times of need. Red garnet is good for rekindling old feelings and love and calming anger, especially self-directed anger. Garnets can help reduce insecurities and worries over money. Square cut, garnet is excellent for business opportunities, while rectangular cut garnet influences the intellect and earthly concerns. A lion's figure carved into a garnet was said to preserve health, honor, and safety.

Green garnet is considered best for healing. It strengthens, purifies, revitalizes and energizes the body's systems. The pituitary gland is also affected by this stone. Red, possibly due to its color, is considered especially good for the blood stream. Albertus Magnus suggested it for the improvement of the heart and circulation, and it was used for palpitations in the 17th century. It was also said to avert the plague and dangerous thunderstorms. Disorders of the spine and spinal fluid and the bones would benefit from the presence of this stone.

Garnets have a strong affinity for the root chakra, harmonizing kundalini energies. The heart chakra is also influenced. Garnets are suggested for Aquarians, Leos, Aries, Scorpios, Capricorns, and people born in the months of January.

Some Types of Garnet

Almandine, is an iron aluminum variety of garnet, forming dodecahedron or trapezohedra shapes. Magnesium can substitute for the iron and become more like pyrope, the magnesium aluminum garnet. The color may be deep red, violet-red, or brownish black. It is the most common of the garnets and is usually found in garnet schists (a type of metamorphic rock composed mostly of mica).

Almandine is ideal for meditation, inspiring contemplation, peace, and time for solitude. Charitable acts are also encouraged through almandine. Like most garnets, it influences love and physical vitality and assists in opening a path from the crown to root chakras. Almandine allows its bearer to access and integrate universal truths. Those who are studying astronomy, astrology, and mathematics may find almandine especially useful. The heart, eyes, liver, and pancreas are all favorable affected by Almandine.

Andradite has a wide range of colors, including wine, orange-yellow, a wide range of greens, brown to brown-red, grey-black and black. Andradite is a calcium iron variety of garnet, which forms in contact or regional metamorphic environments. Melanite is the black variety. Demantoid is the bright green variety and is sometimes cut as a gem, and Topazolite is the yellow variety and is also occasionally cut as a gem.

Unlike most garnets which are considered "female" gems, andradite enhances male qualities and provides strength, stamina, and courage to its bearer. This gem enhances the attractive aspects of relationships, not bringing necessarily what is wanted but what is needed for further development.

One type of andradite, the demantoid garnet, displays a twist of green fire. This gem is useful in increasing your energy levels. A rainbow form of andradite can contain its complete range of colors. Rainbow andradite assists in clearing the aura as well as the psychical vision. It dispels isolation and disconnection, and allays unwanted fears. It dispels feelings of isolation and disconnectedness and unwanted fears and helps self-expression and sharing. Rainbow andradite has also been put to use in expanding mystical experiences.

Grossular Garnet varies in color from colorless to white, wine, yellow, orange, red, red-brown, pale green to emerald, brown, grey, and black. This form has the ability to strengthen law suits and challenges. It transforms negative responses to more positive forms of expression. Grossular Garnet enhances cooperation and service. Fertility and absorption of Vitamin A is assisted through meditation with this mineral.

Pyrope ranges in color from crimson and pink to purple. It can appear to be black due to the intensity of its color. This garnet primarily functions as a protective amulet for the chakras. Generally it acts as a stabilizer. Pyrope also stimulates gentleness and warmth of feeling. It assists in disorders of the digestive and intestinal systems, and helps soothe skin problems.

Rhodolite can range from rose to purplish-red. It shares many qualities in common with pyrope. It also influences intuitive abilities and inspires metaphysical thought. Rhodolite influences the heart and lungs.

Spessartine or spessartite is an orange-red, brownish, or violet-tinged, red garnet. This garnet has the power to strengthen the effectiveness of ethereal bodies. Attraction to this stone indicates a readiness to for inner growth and balance. Spessartine assists in analytical abilities and self-exploration. It has been used in the treatment of lactose intolerance and calcium mal-absorption.

Uvarovite is a rare form of garnet and occurs as a dark, emerald green stone. This form of garnet is especially useful in recognizing the endless nature of existence. It bestows peace, quiet, and solitude without loneliness. The mental processes are clarified by this stone as it stimulates the heart chakra. It also encourages patriotism. Uvarovite favorably affects acidosis, disorders of the heart and lungs, leukemia, the kidney and bladder, and frigidity. It assists in the removal of toxins from the body.