The Magi's Garden : Chili

Capsicum spp, C. frutescens
Folk Names: Africa Pepper, America Pepper, Bird Pepper, Capsicum, Cayenne, Cockspur Pepper, Goat’s Pepper, Hot Pepper, Pod Pepper, Red Pepper, Spanish Pepper, Zanzibar Pepper

Description: Chili pepper is a member of the nightshade family. It is a perennial found in tropical America, but grows as an annual outside of the tropics. The three foot, glabrous stem is woody at the bottom and branches near the top. The leaves are ovate to lanceolate, entire and petioled. Drooping white to yellow flowers are found alone, in pairs, or threes. Chili pepper blooms from April to September, and the peppers appear in various shades of red to yellow, growing up to four inches long.

Effects: strong
Planet: Mars Zodiac: Aries
Element: fire
Associated Deities:

none noted

To keep your mate faithful, buy two large, dried chili peppers, and tie them together with a red (passion) or pink (affection) ribbon. Place this beneath your pillow. It may also be added to love powders for lust.

Scattered around house, the acrid chili pepper is used to break spells. Because of its “bite,” chili pepper is also used to ‘curse’ others.

Known Combinations:
none known

Medical Indications: (Caution: Prolonged application to skin may cause dermatitis. Excessive consumption has been linked to gastroenteritis and kidney damage.) Parts Used: fruit
Chili pepper is an appetizer, digestive, irritant, sialagogue, stimulant, tonic, rubefacient, and antibacterial. The powder or tablet may be used as a general stimulant, but specifically it is good for the heart, kidneys, lungs, pancreas, spleen, and stomach. It builds up one’s resistance at the beginning of or during a cold, sinus infections, or sore throats, and because it irritates the sinuses, it can help unblock a nose in a matter of minutes.

Chili infusions help stomach and bowel pain or cramp and stops bleeding from ulcers. Small quantities of fresh or powdered chili stimulate the appetite. It is also a sedative extract for epilepsy. It is an Ayurvedic aid for digestion and a cure for paralysis.

Application of a plaster, liniment, or tincture increases circulation to areas afflicted with rheumatism, arthritis, pleuritis, or pericarditis, or muscle strain.

Chili acts as a catalyst for other herbs, and it is especially good with Lobelia for nerves.

As a cooking spice, Chili has been used since prehistoric times. It is also a preservative. Chili is used dried or fresh for meats, curries, some Chinese and many Mexican dishes. The ground herb is added to beef casseroles, BBQ, shellfish, and other seafood. It is a pickling spice for onions and red cabbage. Tomato and pasta dishes also benefit from its inclusion in recipes. It is eaten in warm areas because it causes the body’s temperature to rise, resulting in perspiration which makes the surroundings seem less warm;

Mercantile Uses:
Grown for its use as an herb.