The Magi's Garden : Catnip

Catnip (Nepeta cataria)
Folk Names: Cat, Catmint, Catnep, Catrup, Cat's Play, Cat's Wort, Field Balm, Nep, Nepeta, Nip, Shinnecock

Description: Catnip is a perennial of the mint family with a faint mint odor and a bitter taste. It is a European native naturalized to all parts of North America. The erect, branching stem is square and hairy, growing from three to five feet. The leaves are opposite and heart-shaped with serrate, scalloped edges. Gray or whitish hairs cover the underside side of the leaves. Bilabiate, tubular flowers appear in spikes from June to October and range in color from pale pink or violet to white with red or purple spots. The plants will live for several years if kept free of weeds and the seeds can last up to five years before planting.

Effects: gentle
Planet: Venus Zodiac: Libra
Element: water
Associated Deities: Bast, Sekhet

The large leaves were pressed and used as bookmarks in magical texts.
Rats dislike it and will avoid it even if they are hungry.

As one might assume by its name, catnip may be used in cat magic.

If you set it, the cats will eat it,
If you Sow it, the cats don’t know it.

The odor it gives off when bruised is very similar to the pheromones exuded by a cat in heat. Cats will attack and devastate any plant that has been disturbed or transplanted. Give it to your cat to create a psychic bond. It may also be applied in sympathetic magic if you wish to take on cat-qualities or attempt shapeshifting.

Catnip is used in love spells and spells for friendship. Hold it in your hand until warm and then hold another person’s hand. He or she will be your friend forever as long as you keep the leaf in a safe place. It is used in spells for beauty and happiness.

Grow near your home or hang over a door to attract good spirits and luck. Any spell for creativity or to increase fertility in magic or sexuality would benefit from the inclusion of catnip.

Chew to be fierce and vengeful in battle. It will give even the most meek and gentle person courage. A conserve of the young tops is said to be good for nightmares.

Known Combinations:
Catnip may be used in love sachets with Rose petals.

Mixed with dragon's blood, it can be used as an incense to get rid of bad habits.

Medical Indications: Parts Used: herb
Catnip is an anodyne, antispasmodic, aromatic, carminative, diaphoretic, and mild sedative. It should always be infused as boiling reduces its effectiveness. Catnip tea is useful for stress and insomnia, being milder in odor and strength than valerian. It also soothes colds, scarlet fever, small pox, diarrhea, digestion, upset stomach, colic, cramps and spasms, flatulence, and acid. Large amounts of tea may act as an emetic when warm. An enema infusion reduces fevers quickly

The leaves can be chewed to ease a toothache. Mashed into a poultice, the leaves will reduce painful swellings.

The juice from leaves stimulates menstruation.

Catnip is used mainly as a tea, though the French use it as a seasoning herb.

Mercantile Uses:
Bees like catnip.