The Magi's Garden : Carnation

Carnation (Dianthus carophyllus)
Folk Names: Flors Jovis (Jove's Flower), Flower of Flowers, Gillies, Gillyflower, Nelka, Pinks, Scaffold Flower, Sops-in-Wine, Tunica

Description: I couldn't find one, but we all know what carnations look like.

Effects: strong
Planet: sun
Element: fire
Associated Deities: Jupiter

The carnation is the flower of January.

The name Dianthus means divine flower.

Pink carnations have the most symbolic significance. According to Christian legend, carnations first appeared on Earth as Jesus carried the cross. Carnations grew from where the tears of his mother fell. Since that time, pink carnations have become the symbol of a mother's undying love. In Canada for Mothering Sunday, a red flower is worn if your mother is alive while white shows that your mother has died.

When it comes to other carnations, follow your inclination. Generally though, purple carnations indicate capriciousness. Striped ones symbolize a refusal or regret that a love cannot be shared. Light red carnations represent admiration, while dark red denotes deep love and affection. White carnations indicate pure love and good luck. Yellow is for disdain.

From Elizabethan times onward, carnations were worn to prevent death at scaffold. Grown by Louis II of Bourbon, the flowers were often worn by his soldiers as a sign of courage. They may be used all purpose protective spells.

The carnation is also healing. The cut flowers or (preferably) living plant may be placed in convalescent rooms for strength and energy for patient. The flowers may be add to healing spells, and the fresh blossoms (especially red for vitality) are appropriate on the altar during healing rituals. The dried blossoms can also be added to healing sachets and incenses.

In Korea, at the beginning of the New Year, a young girl may put three carnations in her hair by which to tell her fortune. If the top flower dies first, her last years of life will be difficult. Should the middle flower die first, her earlier years will bring the most grief. Sadly, if the bottom flower dies first, she will be miserable her whole life.

Known Combinations:
none noted

Medical Indications: Parts Used: flowers

The fresh flowers are used in vinegar, salads, and jams. They have a spicy taste reminiscent of cloves.

Mercantile Uses:
The flowers are often found in potpourris.