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Dear visitor - please keep in mind:

Every single item of HeartBeads glass art or jewellery that I create is unique.
There never will be nor ever can be two items exactly the same.
But they all have on thing in common:
They are made with love.

(More about my inspirations here - Adobe Reader PDF-file)

Please excuse the not 100% perfect quality of the photographs.
Or that of this website. Or my English. I know I'm not perfect.
I am an artisan - not a photographer, not much of a web designer either...

Thank your for visiting my website.

Raglan at the Sea / New Zealand
Peter. The Beader.

So - where do all these inspirations come from?

Well... From just looking around.

From looking at old-fashioned and famous art forms,
at designs, paintings, sculptures and artwork;
at photographs from outer space, taken with telescopes;
at landscapes, structures, colours of nature.

And then trying to transform these two-dimensional impressions
into three-dimensional glass objects like beads or pendants.

Please choose:

Gallery 2016               Gallery 2015               Gallery 2014               Gallery 2012

Oh. "My Copyright" etc. Yeah baby. Well. Forget it...
Try to replicate whatever you want. Good luck.
Just give it a different name, OK?
Coz' that would be a bit unfair, wouldn't it?
Good on ya. Now, that's my girl...