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Show 2: Rent in Philly, PA

Who: Me, Andi and Kim (my cousin)

Where: Philly, PA at the Merriam Theatre

Date and time: 2:00pm, July 25, 1998

Which cast: Angel cast


The cast: Mark: Trey Ellett
Roger: Christian Anderson
Mimi: Laura Dias
Benny: Dwayne Clark
Maureen: Erin Keaney
Joanne: Kamilah Martin
Collins: Rufus Bonds Jr.
Angel: Kristoffer Cusick*
Mark's mom: Alicia Westelman
Alexi Darling: Cristina Ablaza
Sol 1: Dainelle Lee Greaves*
Sol 2: Christopher Freeman
Steve, SqueeegeeMan: Lambert Moss
Gordon, the man: Tony Vincent*
Paul, the waiter: Evan D'Angeles*
Cops: Cheri Smith and Alan Mingo Jr.


My Playbill
Signed by: Kamilah Martin, Erin Keaney (twice), Laura Dias, Tony Vincent, Alicia Westelman, Kristoffer Cusick, Trey Ellett, Cristina Ablaza, Cheri Smith, Rufus Bonds Jr, Christian Anderson and Lambert Moss.

Me, Andi and Kamilah Martin

Me and Laura Dias

Andi and Laura Dias

Me and Kristoffer Cusick

Andi and Kristoffer Cusick

Me and Tony Vincent

Andi and Tony Vincent

Christian Anderson and the girls!

Me and Trey Ellett

Andi and Trey Ellett

Me and Erin Keaney Check out her awesome shirt!!

Andi and Erin Keaney

Andi and Rufus Bonds Jr.