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Welcome to my homepage!

Hey!! How are you guys doin'? That's great!! I'm good, if somebody cares... OK, so.... are you gonna take a look on here? yeah? You'll find some info about me, and some pics too, and a page dedicated to the best 2 sports on Earth, which are SKATEBOARDING and SNOWBOARDING. There is also a music page with pics of my fav bands and some lyrics of them. OK I won't waste more of your time, so you can go and visit my page. L8r!

~Last update was on May 5th 2000~

Hey look at these pics! The first one is Nikola from Millencolin, and the other pic it's me with Marten from Bombshell Rocks (left) and Mathias from M*C again :) The show was reeeaaaally cool!

So... where do you wanna go?

About me

Pics of me and friends

Cool bands

Sk8board pics



...y esto para los que pasáis del inglés

Jim sent me this cool thing!!(with other sk8 stuff)

Hey if you have any comments, questions, or anything to tell me, e-mail me , cuz I love reciving e-mails! Come on! What are you waiting for?? Or if you want you can just sign my guestbook, I'll love it too.

Sign my guestbook! Guestbook by GuestWorld Or just view it...

Ei per als que sou catalans em sap greu que la pàgina estigui tota en anglès però quan la vaig fer no coneixia a ningú d'internet que fos català.... ara fa poc he posat una secció en castellà que és com un resum de tot.... o sigui que si voleu pues ja sabeu, a llegir! La veritat és que és un pal, vaig escriure molt aquell dia... bueno com vulgueu. Potser algun dia faig una versió en català... estaria bé no? Algun dia... si si..

People have visited my page since June 19th 1998 :