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WebTV CMD Shortcuts

Secrets Œ-Lucamaniac-Œ Secrets

WebTV CMD Shortcuts

Version Française Disponible

CMD + R = This will reload the current page.

CMD + F = This will bring up the FIND box.

CMD + G = After entering something in the FIND box once, this will let you search for the next occurrence of that string.

CMD + B = This will let you look backwards for the next occurrence of that string.

CMD = Option = Will bring up the advanced option if you have not already set your box to do so automatically.

CMD + CTRL = When you highlight box is over a link, this will display the URL of the status bar.

CMD + Power = This will disconnect your box without turning it off.

CMD + Scroll Up = Will take you to the top of the current page.

CMD + Scroll Down = Will take you to the buttom of the current page.

CMD + Delete = Will delete all of the text in the line you are presently on.

CMD + <-- = Will take you to the left side of any line of text you are currently writing.

CMD + --> = Will take you to the right side of any line of text you are currently writing.

CMD + Any letter (while in a select box) = Will automatically scroll down the list of items to those beginning with that letter.

CMD + P (only when the printer adaptor is connected) = Will bring up the Printing Options Window.

CMD + W (only for WebTV plus) = Will bring up the TV PIP.

Other WebTV Key Shortcuts

CTRL + M = Servesthe same function as hitting return while over a link.

EDIT = While over a text box, this will activat your cursor, letting you write.

TAB = Will take you to the next link and if it is a text will activate your cursor.

SHIFT + Tab = Will take you to the previous link and if it is a text bx will activate your cursor.

ESC = WIll take you out of most pop-up boxes.

ALT + Most letter and numbre keys = Allows you to type special characters.

ALT + Most letter or number keys = Allows yo to type from another set of special characters.

And that's all of them, I think. Please save this or send it to anyone you think might appreciate them.


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La Version Française Aussi Disponible

version française