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I have been one of the lucky persons, to have helped

a few felines to find good homes, and bring joy to
families who otherwise may have never known the
loving and humorous  sides of cats. It's hard to be-
-leive, at one time we have had thirty-five cats, to
find homes for! Not alone spay or neuter, vaccina-
-te, feed and clean up after! They were all Feral cats,
cat's without owners, without love, cold winters and
sometimes human cruelty. We now have five that were
the shy ones, and are still getting them use to human

The Groovy Gray Kitties Webring

This Groovy Gray Kitties Webring
site is owned by kats world.

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These are the five that we care for, from left to right are; Alice, Amber,O.J.,LucyLou and last but not least, Patches!


Keeper Of The Stars This
Keeper of the Stars Ring
site is owned by
Kathy's World.

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Cool Kitties Webring

This Cool Kitties Site is owned by Kat West.

Happiness Ring HomepageThis Happiness
is being owned by cats ...
owned by Kat's Kats
Provided by RingSurf
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Music playing is "My Friends"