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The Roman Catholic Church and Mormons

The Roman Catholic Church and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or Mormon church have much in common:

1. Both the Roman Catholic Church and the Mormon Church believe that they are the one true church.

2. The Roman Catholic Church and the Mormon Church have one church leader. The Roman Catholic Church has the Pope whom they claim is an apostolic succession from Peter who "holds the keys to heaven". The Mormons have the President who "holds the priesthood keys" .

3. The Roman Catholic Church and the Mormon Church believe that their baptism in necessary for salvation.

4. The RCC and Mormons base their salvation on a complicated system of works.

5. The Roman Catholic Church and the Mormon Church add books to the Bible in an effort to add false doctrine. The Roman Catholic Church adds the Apocrypha and the Mormon church adds the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price.

6. The Roman Catholic Church and the Mormon Church claim visions and apparitions in an effort to add false doctrine.

7. The Roman Catholic Church and the Mormon Church forbid the use of birth control.

8. The Roman Catholic Church and the Mormon Church still continue with a priest system that was abolished by Christ.

9. The RCC and Mormons both continue to contact the dead. The RCC through "prayers to dead saints and Mary" and the Mormons through their baptism for the dead.

10. The Roman Catholic Church has Mary, Mother of God, and the Mormons have a Heavenly Mother.

11. Both church organizations believe that leaving their church will result in eternal damnation.

12. The Roman Catholic Church and the Mormon Church believe in a post death cleansing through fire. For the Catholic church it is called Purgatory and the Mormon church it is called a temporary hell.

13. The RCC and Mormons have their own divorce system. The RCC grants anullments and the Mormon church grants a cancellation of sealing in temple marriages.

14. The Roman Catholic Church and the Mormon Church require mandatory fasting.

15. The Roman Catholic Church and the Mormon Church have changed Bible verses to teach their doctrine.

The RCC formed it's changes in the Vulgate:

Genesis 3:15 "He will crush your head" was changed to "She will......" This was to get the RC members to believe that Mary was our Savior as opposed to Christ.

Genesis 14:18 Melchizedek was said to have "sacrificed" bread and wine. The church changed this to bring in the transubstantiation concept.

John 14:26 said the Holy Spirit "will reveal whatever [Jesus) will say" to His church, rather than "did say." This was to support tradition.

Mormons use the Joseph Smith Translation (JST). It is a watered down version of the King James Version, where Smith actually rewrote chapters and made changes to over 3000 verses.

The KJV reads John 4:2 "Though Jesus himself baptized not, but his disciples." The JST reads, "Though he himself baptized not so many as his disciples; For he suffered them for an example, preferring one another". This change was made to increase the importance of water baptism.

To change the doctrine of original sin: Matthew 18:11 "For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost." The JST adds, "and to call sinners to repentance; but these little ones have no need of repentance, and I will save them."

Hebrews 2:7 from "Thou madest him a little lower than the angels" the JST changes the angels to "the gods" . This change was made by Smith to support the claim that we can become gods (Eternal Progression).


Evangelism to Roman Catholics

Evangelism to Mormons