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Names of God

1. Primary names of God.

El, Elah, or Elohim = God.

Jehovah = Lord

Adon or Adoni = Lord

2. Compound Names of God With EL

El Shaddai = Almighty God

El Elyon = Most High God or Most High

El Olam = Everlasting God

3. Compound With Jehovah

Jehovah Elohim = Lord God

Adonai Jehovah = Lord God

Jehovah Sabaoth = Lord of Hosts

4. Compound Names of Jehovah in Redemption

Jehovah-jireh-the Lord will provide.

Jehovah-rapha-the Lord heals.

Jehovah-nissi-the Lord my banner.

Jehovah-shalom-the Lord is peace.

Jehovah-ra-ah-the Lord my Shepherd.

Jehovah-tsidkenu-the Lord our Righteousness.

Jehovah-shammah-the Lord is there.

Jehovah-hoshua--The Lord Saves

The names of God are important in learning more about who He is. For instance, Elohim carries the meaning "The Strong Faithful One". He promised to save us through faith in Jesus Christ and He will not down let those who believe.

An example is Jehovah-jireh-the Lord will provide. It is taken from Genesis 22:14. God provided the lamb as a substitution for Issac. However it is a clear presentation of the vicarious or substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The ram took the place of Issac, Jesus takes our place on the cross.

