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RU Ready-486?

Ask any person who lived during WW II who might be the most evil person in the world the world? There is a good chance that the name Hitler would come up. It is estimated that between 5 and 6 million Jews died during the holocaust. I've read a few books and saw many pictures of the victims who went through the holocaust. People arrested, packed like sardines into cattle cars and shipped off to a concentration camp.

Upon arrival to the concentration camp a selection process took place. Some went immediately to the gas chambers and other were used as slave labor. Those who worked at the camp were malnourished, beaten, forced to live in horrible conditions. The mental anguish was equal to the physical anguish. In the end, many died from the living conditions or were sent to the gas chambers.

Fortunately, by the grace of God, the world stood up the horrible mistreatment of humans. Hitler was eventually defeated, the concentration camps were closed and justice was served. A few survivors of the camps were able to tell their stories to a horrified world. How could humans be so savage?

On January 22, 1973, the US Supreme Court legalized abortion in the United States. It launched the greatest holocaust of all time. It is estimated that up to 40,000,000 million abortions have been performed. Now with the introduction of RU-486 the figures are sure to go up.

The methods for abortion seem to come out of a horror book. Methotrexate: the baby is cut up with a knife and sucked out of the womb. Dilation & Evacuation (D and E):the baby can be pulled apart with forceps and a knife then pulled out with the forceps. Prostaglandin: is an injection that causes premature labor. Often the baby struggles to live. Digoxin Induction: is a shot injected directly into the babies heart. Saline Abortion: This has got to be a Hitler favorite! Poison the child with a salt solution that burns the babies skin and lungs.

Hysterotomy: is another method similar to prostaglandin. The woman is given a C section and the baby is delivered alive. I wonder if the mother, doctor and nurses stand by to watch it struggle to live? Do you think they take bets on how long it will take for the baby to die? Maybe they go out for a bite to eat or a quick smoke? It's only a "fetus" using it's greatest instinct, to keep itself alive.

Then there is the D&X or Partial-Birth Abortion: This is a Dr. Carl Clauberg special. Clauberg was a Nazi who sterilized Jewish women in the Auschwitz and Ravensbruk concentration camps. Clauberg used the women in the concentration camps for his experimentation with sterilization. He basically tortured the women by injecting them with his formulas. I even see a link here, this guy was in the anti-baby business too.

With the partial-birth abortion the "doctor" pulls a 5-9 month old baby out of the womb leaving it's head inside the birth canal. Then you stab the baby in the back of the head and suck out its brains. Makes life easy for Mom and doc because the baby pops out with a collapsed head.

Along comes RU-486 for the "privacy" of the woman. RU-486 or Mifeprex blocks a hormone that keeps a woman pregnant and causes the "embryo" to abort. (Notice they refer to the baby as embryo or fetus, that makes it less human, it's a "thing".) The makers claim that it is 92-95% effective. Imagine that, up to 95%, and if the pill fails the woman has an array of "choices" to kill her baby.

Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., said "Today is a day that women should remember because their health and their choices are finally being respected." Well, happy day, the woman's choice is being respected, how about the baby. As a house parent, the teens that my wife and I helped in a maternity home were given a child advocate to speak out for the child's rights. What about the unborn baby? Don't they get an advocate? I'm sure if you asked the baby he/she would tell you that they would like a crack at life. A chance to make it in this land of opportunity. Open a college newspaper and check out the want ads of childless parents offering to adopt a child. There is no shortage of loving parental candidates.

When a child is conceived it takes just 21 days for the heart to beat. Thirty days later the child is 10,000 times larger than the day of conception. At five weeks its brain works and at four months it hears its mothers voice and heartbeat. It is unfortunate that many baby have heard its execution planned at that stage. An innocent baby, depending on the only love it knows, shattered by self-centered and not God-centered people.

In 1985 at just 21 weeks an unborn baby named Kenya King survived a car accident and was safely delivered. The baby was just 18 ounces but never gave up. There has been successful intrauterine surgery performed on babies at the same age in the womb. A photographer caught a special moment on camera, when one unborn baby, during surgery, grabbed the finger of the doctor.

So does it comes down to a choice: let the baby live or die? No, the choice that the man and woman made was to take on a mature act that God set aside for marriage only. It is a self-centered act of pleasure that brings on the pregnancy. When the baby is conceived and the parents to be are aware of the fact, they will take drastic measures to see that the baby does not cramp their style.

Now the holocaust of infanticide is complete. A man and woman in the United States can choose to have their child "terminated" at any stage of development...or is it complete? *Dr. Peter Singer is Princeton's new Professor of bioethics at the university Center for Human Values. Singer, an Australian, has been influential in the field of applied ethics for the last 25 years. As reported in the New York Times Magazine, Singer favors killing disabled babies because he thinks they have no right to live. Even "normal" babies would no be granted protection until one month after birth. Apparently a baby is to be regarded as merchandise which one can return after a 30-day "trial." After the trial period, an unwanted baby would be killed.

Singer sees the future as one in which babies and infants are declared nonpersons because they are not "rational and self-aware." According to him, even a baby with a condition as mild as hemophilia can be killed if such a death has "no adverse effects on others." Besides, he believes, all such "non-persons" are "replaceable," much like chickens and other farmyard animals, and analogy which he uses. He believes ending anyone's life when it is "not worth living," and in the involuntary killing if anyone who has become a "burden" to their families, the health care system or the state. (*Cal Thomas, USA Today. Used by permission.)

United States President George Bush took one step closer in attaining this goal by allowing federal financing of embryonic stem cell research. Thus the tax dollars of the Christians who voted for George Bush will go towards the further encouragement of infanticide. Bush said in his decision, "lies at a difficult moral intersection, juxtaposing the need to protect life in all its phases with the prospect of saving and improving life in all its stages.'' There is nothing difficult about understanding the sixth commandment: You Shall Not Kill. The difficult part for President Bush was knowing that if he said no to federal financing of embryonic stem cell research, he would not get reelected.

What about the people with juvenile diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and spinal cord injuries? Don't they deserve a right to be cured? They sure do, but at the expense of a baby's life? The umbilical cord and placenta are alternative ways to procure stem cells. Encourage couples to choose to give birth to their children, rather than murdering them and we will have plenty of resources for stem cells. Remember, the cells do not cease in their multiplication. The bottom line is that this stem cell research is a theory and not a proven fact. It just show how gullible we can become when we take our eyes off the Father and focus on ourselves.

So the holocaust is not complete. The United States still needs to legalize the killing of disabled or ill babies, anyone with a serious illness or disability and of course euthanasia, the mercy killing of the elderly. They would take their stem cells before they put them out of their misery. That would sure take care of concerns about the baby boom aging, social security, Medicaid, prescriptions, etc. And just maybe, some new leader will come alone with a perception to create a perfect race. One with great looks and low health risks. Sound familiar?

Psalm 139:13-17 "For thou didst form my inward parts; Thou didst weave me in my mother's womb. I will give thanks to Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are thy works, and my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from Thee, When I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the depts of the earth. Thine eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Thy book they were all written, the days that were ordained for me, When as yet there was not one of them. How precious are Thy thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them."

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