<xmp> <body> </xmp> Well everyone time has finally come to close my homepage down for reasons such as never having time to bother with it, other stuff on my mind, such as work and college. Making new friends, getting out, becoming popular at college, making my car better, saving up for rims and other shit, click HERE to see what my car looks like if you're curious..but anyways those who saw it when it was up I hope you enjoyed it, till then if you wish to contact me you can contact me on icq: ICQ number is 14661289, now to get one thing straight, if I don't like you, you mine as well should not even bother paging me because I will ignore you, simple as that. These are the awards my page won when it was actually up and running, I had alot. Click HERE. One more thing I'd just like to make a HUGE shout out to some people. Shout out to fear for alwayings being there since I first chatted and never ditching out. Last shout out to Brent from Delaware for always staying real and being my friend since 7th grade and never losing contact after I moved. Fuck you Amanda Harms you nasty ass mother fucker. I hope your bitch ass rots in hell where it belongs. Huge shoutout to LIEGH!! To anyone who wishes to sign or view my guestbook. Be my guest


One more thing, to Pe@ce, I'm sorry for being such an asshole so many times and never realizing it till now, I'm extremely sorry and was a mistake. Hope you can forgive me and miss you. I'm out!
