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All you want to know about me. That's a lot of I'll stick with some basics. My name really is Ragna, and I live in a moderate sized town in the northern part of San Diego County in California. I've lived here on and off for about ten years, and the most I've spent away was the four years I spent in Beaufort, SC for high school.

I graduated from high school in 1998, at 17 years old, and moved back home to California for college. But things went a bit differently then planned. Currently, I work on Camp Pendleton selling athletic shoes to the military community. It's a full-time job, and it often astounds people that, no matter how tired I am, I can still write fanfiction at the rate I do.

Ah...fanfiction. That's where most of you know me from; the fanfiction I write. Some people consider me a Goddess; for that, I am touched. My friend Gilly, who I met in 123buffy_roleplay, gave me my coolest version of that nickname: Kakkoii Megami No Chojutsu (Cool Goddess of Writing). It's Japanese. I even have my own church: The United Church of Ragna, Erica and Cathryn. In it, I am the Goddess of Non-Slash Fanfic (Cathryn is my ounterpart, seeing as how she is the Goddess of Slash Fanfic. We truly believe all the coincidences between us are just that...coincidences!)

Anywho, I write a lot of fanfiction for the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" community, mostly cenetered around this guy:

Cute, ain't he? And yes, I actually own the autographed picture you see above. The charachter is Spike, and he is played by James Marsters. And this charachter ended a four year writing block, so I have to say I am very thankful for that.

I'm going a bit off topic. Now...on to my *other* favorites...


Obviously, I like Garbage, because you've been listening to the song "When I Grow Up" by them. It's not my favorite Garbage song (that would be "My Lover's Box"...and "Queer"...and almost any other song of theres from their first CD...and quite possibly "Medication" as well...and "#1 Crush"...). I also love The Smashing Pumpkins, Velvet Chain, INXS, Everclear, Limp Bizkit, Tracy Bonham, Metallica, Monica, Madonna, Eminem,S.O.R., Green Day, Neve, Semisonic, Darling Violetta, Four Star Mary, Collective Soul, silverchair, The Offspring, Radiohead, David Bowie, Duran Duran, Culture Club, Bryan Adams, Method Man, Brandy, and many more. I even love Beethoven, Mozart, and the songs from "Les Miserables" and "The Phantom of the Opera."
Suffice to say, I know quite a bit of music trivia and amaze people with the different things I listen to...

Ultimate YOU survey

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The You Side

*Full Name: Ragna
*Nicknames: Fanfic Goddess, Obsessive-Compulsive Spike, Wil E. Coyote, The Witch
*Birth date: 1/23/81
*Age: 18
*Location: Oceanside, CA
*Hometown: Oceanside, CA
*Siblings: sister Genevieve
*Pets: One cat, Oreo
*Height: 5'9
*Eye Color: hazel
*Hair Color: Normally brown, currently burgundy
*Are you a righty or a lefty or ambidextrous? Righty
*Favorite TV shows: Buffy, Angel, Charmed, Law & Order, A&E's Biography, ER, Daria
*Favorite Movies: American Beauty, The Faculty, L.A. Confidential, PCU, American Pie, The Wood, Care Bears in Wonderland
*Favorite flavor: Chocolate
*Favorite magazine: Entertainment Weekly
*Favorite foreign food: Carne Asada
*Favorite drink: Iced Tea, Water
*Favorite ice cream: Bing cherry chocolate chip
*Favorite subject in school: Creative Writing, Chemistry
*Least Favorite: Any form of math
*Favorite thing to do on the weekend: Relax
*What's your favorite colors: Black, white, most shades of green and blue
*What music do you listen to: Basically everything...there's a list of specifics above.
*What are your pet peeves: People who sing off-key, late and rude bus drivers, bill collectors
*Persons who know the most about: Gilly, Cathryn, Carolyn...
*Loudest person I know: Andrea
*Craziest or silliest person you know?: Online: Gilly. Offline: Sara
*Favorite people to hang out with: Online: Gilly, Carolyn, Cathryn, Mandy Offline: Sara, Nicole
*If you could meet one person in the world who would it be: Uh...probably James Marsters
*Do you have a Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Nope
*If you could go out with anyone in the world who: Here's hoping he never sees this: Wes Bentley
*Who was your first crush: Brad, on my second grade soccor team.
*Have you ever been in love: No, probably not. Does intense lust count?

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The Past Side

*Memory you miss the most: Getting away with being a spoiled brat.
*What's the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning: "I can't believe it's noon...I actually got about 11 hours of sleep!"
*Does it make you sad to know that you can never go back in time: No. Not at all. There are some moments I never want to re-live...
*If you could go back in time would you: Depends on the time, and what I'd have to do to go back.

* * *

The Future Side

*Where do you see yourself in 10 Years: Hopefully in a nice town making a good living as a writer, maybe with a signifigant other.
*Future Son names: James, Mike, Mark, Jason
*Future Daughter names: Anna, Athena, Sara, Christine
*If you could have any occupation when you get older what would it be: A writer
*Where do you plan on living after getting out school: I am out of school, and I live with my mom, soon as I finish college, I want to live on my own in a studio apartment by the beach.
*What age do you want to get married: No specific age, just when I'm ready.
*Describe your dream wedding: Probably at a beautiful locale, like the Beaufort Waterfront Park, of the Quail Botanical Gardens in Encinitas, at mid-day in the summer.

* * *

The Feelings Side

*What do you think of Ouija boards: I've had fun with them before.
*Do you believe in yourself?: Of course I do.
*Worst feeling in the world: Feeling betrayed.
*Best feeling in the world: Feeling good about yourself and not caring what others think of you.
*Do you have motion sickness: Just on roller coaster rides after I eat.
*Are you for world Peace: Only if it isn't forced upon others.
*What religion are you: I'm an agnostic, but I might go back into Wicca
*One thing you want to change about yourself: My stubbornness
*Abortion: I'm very pro-choice, in any situation.

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The Left over CrAzY side

*How many rings before you answer the phone: Four, and I let the answering machine pick it up first.
*Have you ever been attacked by a big dog: Not that I remember. Maybe I blocked it out...
*Do you eat chicken fingers with a fork: I don't even eat them.
*What is the best number in the world: Well, normally I'd say 10 or 23.
*Would you rather give or receive: Can't I do both?
*How many schools have you attended? including jk?: kindergarten, three elementary schools, two middle schools, three high schools plus I attended one private school, and then one college. Grand total of 11. Maybe 12 if I go to a different college.
*Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Yup. My stuffed beaver, Beto, which I've had for 16 years.
*If you could dye your hair one color: I usually go somewhere in the red ange. I dyed my hair burgundy two days ago (10/28/99)
*If you could have a tattoo what and where would it be: Probably a Japenese charachter on my ankle.
*Any piercings....where: Four on each ear, and I might get one or two more.
*What's on your walls in your room: Posters, ranging from movie posters (suBurbia & Pulp Fiction) to band posters (Smashing Pumpkins & Nirvana), to crazy posters (a crazy chihuaha saying "Bite Me", a Got Milk poster with The Cookie Monster, a "Have A Night" one) a big picture of skiers, pictures of various actors, that sort of thing.
*Have you ever been skinnydipping: Not yet.
*Do you type with your fingers on the right keys: Nope. It's what I get for learning to type at three...
*Have you ever been convicted of a crime: No, I haven't.

* * *

Have You Ever....

*Smoked?: No.
*Gotten drunk: I'm allergic to alcohol.
*Run away from home: I tried, when I was younger. Does leaving home the day after graduating from high school to live with your mother so you can get away from you crazy-ass stepmother count?
*Witnessed a crime: Not really, more like car accidents and things like that.
*Passed out: A few times, yes.

* * *

Would you ever...

*Die for somebody you didn't know: Possibly.
*Have a threesome: The thought has crossed my mind...quite often...
*Dissect a cow: Maybe in the name of science
*Bunjee jump: No, I'm afraid of falling, even if I am attached to a harness
*Sky dive: Hell no.

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