Please note that the links in this column only work in the pages for members.

cati Lecciones

El alfabeto dino
Los colores

Los saludos

butterfly La escuela
comida La comida

El calendario

Los animales

butterfly La ropa

Los números dino
La familia

music Canciones para niños

Nombre en españolEnglish Pronunciation
Cabra goat [kah-brah]
Carne de Res meat (cow)[kar-neh-deh-Res]
Carnero lamb [kar-neh-d*oh]
Ganso goose [gahn-soh]
Huevo egg [weh-voh]
Jamón ham [hah-mon]
Mortadela mortadella [mor-tah-theh-lah]
Pato duck [pah-toh]
Pavo turkey [pah-voh]
Pollo chicken [poh-joh]
Puerco pork [pwer-koh]
Salchicha sausage [sal-chee-chah]
Ternera (carne de)veal [ter-neh-d*ah]
Mariscos (seafood)
Bacalaocod fish [bah-kah-laoh]
Camarón shrimp [kah-mah-d*on]
Cangrejo crab [kan-greh-hoh]
Langosta lobster [lan-gos-tah]
Pescado oat [pes-kah-thoh]
Sardinasardine [sar-thee-nah]
Crema agria sour cream [kreh-mah][ah-gria]
Helado Ice Cream [eh-lah-doh]
Leche milk [leh-cheh]
Mantequilla butter [man-teh-kee-jah]
Queso cheese [keh-soh]
Yogurt Yogurt [joh-goor]
*The Spanish single and double R sounds do not exist in English. American English speakers use the single R but in another context.
When they say the words 'medal' or metal' fast, the middle 'd' or 't' sounds like the Spanish single R.

# The Spanish middle D sounds more like an English 'th' == (that).

Bilingual books

patit El Patito Feo - The Ugly Duckling Illustrated in color

Caperucita Roja
- A bilingual fairy tale. 
La Gata Blanca  Another  bilingual  fairy tale in  2 parts.
    book     -   Mi Libro de los Colores - Coloring and other activities


"Español para Todos" is a site for everyone that wants to learn the Spanish language or is looking for bilingual material. It has a diversity of activities for all ages.

puzzles enfants en ligne classés par difficultés Online games and lessons for children - for teens, for educators, and for parents

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and some others were made from picture tubes.

If any of the graphics belongs to you and it is not being used in the manner intended by you,
please let us know and we will take it out.

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