(to print)
¿De qué color es . . .? --> What color is ...?
Adjetivos - Adjectives:

AMARILLO (ah-mah- &eeh-joh)** --> Yellow
AZUL (ah-sul)* ---> Blue
BEIGE/CREMA (creh-mah) ---> Beige
BLANCO (blan-koh) ----> White
CELESTE (seh-les-teh)* -----> Sky blue
GRIS (grees) -----> Gray, grey
LILA (leeh-lah) ----> Violet
MARRÓN (mah-Ron) ----> Brown
(also (color) Café in some countries)
MOSTAZA (mos-tah-sah)* -----> Mustard Color
MORADO (moh-&ah-thoh) ------> Purple
NARANJA (nah-&an-Xah) -----> Orange
(also "Anaranjado" in some countries)
NEGRO (neh-groh) -------> Black
ROSA (Roh-sah) ------> Rose
ROSADO (Roh-sah-thoh) -------> Pink
ROJO (Roh-Xoh) ----> Red
VERDE (ver-theh) ------> Green

Sustantivos - Nouns

LA BLUSA (blooh-sah) ----> The Blouse
EL CHICO (chee-koh) ----> The (Male) Kid
EL COLOR (koh-lor) ------> The Color/colour
EL GATO (gah-toh) ----> The Cat
LA RESPUESTA (Res - pwes-tah) ---> The Answer
EL SOMBRERO (som-breh-&oh) --> The Hat

Note: We can also say "EL VERDE" (meaning EL (color) VERDE), making it a noun as in "Me gusta el verde" (I like green).

** The (&) indicates that the sound is different from the English sound.

* In Peninsular Spanish, the pronunciation of the words AZUL, CELESTE and MOSTAZA is different.

Pronunciation Guide

and another LIST.